Reuters report today that Portuguese police have received partial results of forensic evidence analysed in Birmingham which was retreved from the Mccann's apartment and various vehicles a month ago. As a consequence Kate McCann the mother of missing 4 year old Madeleine McCann is to be interviewed on her own by police on Thursday, a "spokesman for the family " said.
Other reports say that Kate McCann will attend the police station in Portimao in the Algarve at 2pm, accompanied by her lawyer, Carlos Pinto de Abreu.
Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manha reported today that the scent of a corpse was been found by specially-trained dogs on Kate McCann's clothes and on the "peluche" - the bear. - see front page.
PRÓXIMOS DIAS SÃO DECISIVOSA (The next days are decisive) chegada a Portimão dos resultados pode consolidar as convicções dos investigadores, que há mais de dois meses apontam para um cenário de morte da criança ainda dentro do apartamento da Praia da Luz. Os próximos dias serão decisivos.
"I Judge that the hypothesisis is more an accident than homicide CRiminal Attorney Moita Flores."
The police have videos of the cadaver dogs undertaking their searches for use as evidence.Apparently forensic examination has been dificult as clothes which have been examined had been washed.
A extracção de ADN no sangue, saliva e esperma são sempre as análises mais complicadas. E neste caso foram agravadas, no que diz respeito ao sangue detectado no apartamento e no jipe dos McCann, pelo facto de as amostras recolhidas estarem bastante contaminadas e terem sido lavadas, forçando os especialistas a “uma série de análises ainda mais sensíveis�? justificando-se assim um mês de espera pelos resultados.
(The extraction of DNA from blood, saliva and sperm is very complicated. In this case the samples were even more difficult to determine - in respect to the blood detected in the apartment and the McCann's jeep(?)(jipe) of the McCann's, for the fact of the collected samples to be sufficiently contaminated and to have been washed, made the work of the specialists to "a series of still more sensible analyses", justifying the dealy of one month in producing the results.)
A source "close to the family " said
Gerry McCann was expected to be interviewed by police on Friday.
"I can confirm that we have received part of the results and the team is satisfied (with the results)," said Portuguese police spokesman
Olegario de Sousa.