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Be A _ Christian : Be a Trustful Christian
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From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2004 1:41 AM
   As you yield yourself to Christ, ever affirm, with full assurance of faith: "Behold God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid." ( Isa 12:2 ).  If you trust, you will love.  If you love, you will obey.  God's order is believing, being, doing.
   Those who, like Peter, presume upon their own strength or resolution fail; but those who trust in the Lord are "kept by the power of God."
   Our Heavenly Father, with unerring wisdom and infinite love, is planning and working for our present and eternal good, so that we may well trust God, though mysteries surround us ( Job 13:15 ).
   If God's promises and apparent providences for a time appear to conflict, and you are perplexed, like Abraham, still trust in the Lord and obey Him, and you will find that they perfectly harmonize.
   A man while in doubt and darkness lay wakeful and almost in despair.  His child in the bed, waking from sleep, cried out with fear.  As he spoke to to it the child said, "Father, it is dark; take my hand."  As the uplifted hand was clasped the child became quiet, and was soon peacefully sleeping.  The lesson of trust was learned from the child, and looking up, the sad and doubting man now said trustingly, "Heavenly Father, it is dark; take my hand."  His fears at once were gone, and his mind was at rest.
   The reason and ground of our trust are the unchangeable character and immutable promises of God.  Not one of the three thousand promises of the Bible has ever failed.  Get on promised ground and there stand secure, knowing that sooner might the heavens fall and the pillars of the earth crumble than that one promise of God should fail.
   Let us have faith and show it.  "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust." ( Ps 91:4 ).  When danger threatens, the chickens take refuge under their mother's wings, and though it is dark to them there, yet their cheerful chirping expresses their trust.  Some of us have not as much faith as a chicken.  Let us ever take refuge under God's wings of promise and providence, and there trust, so shall we, though sometimes it may seem dark or mysterious, forever be secure.
   Trust the Lord to supply you grace as you need it.  He is "a very present help."  Therefore do not worry about trials, temptations and duties in the future.  Many are like the woman who said, "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?"  God's angel removed the stone ere she came to it. ( Mark 16:3-4 ).  Nine-tenths of the trials and difficulties that we anticipate are never ours.
   Do not doubtingly say: "How could I bear this?"  "How could I do that?"  "I fear I shall not be faithful," or "How should I meet death?"  By grace bear todays trials, overcome todays temptations, do todays duties; and, with every new day, take a fresh start, so shall you daily find the promise true, "As thy days so shall thy strength be,"  and even when you meet "the last enemy - death" God will, then and there, give you grace sufficient to be "more than a conqueror."  God will never fail you.
   Samuel, as he reviewed the past, erected an altar and called it Ebenezer, meaning: "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."  ( 1 Sam 7:12 ).  Abraham, as he thought of the future, built an altar and named it Jehovah-jireh, which means, "The Lord will provide." ( Gen 22:14 ).  As we look backwards and forwards, let us gratefully erect our Ebenezer and Jehovah-jireh; and as we stand between the two, let us sing from loving hearts: "We'll praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that's to come."
 Brother Love

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