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Be A _ Christian : Be an Intelligent Christian
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From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2004 1:49 AM
    God has greatly blessed me, but He never blessed my ignorance.  Be educated, cultured, kind and intelligent.
1.  Know enough not to destroy yourself or your influence by getting off on fads, hobbies, vain speculations, crankish notions or side lines.  So-called "Christian Science," "Spiritualism," "HigherCriticism," etc, have led many astray.  Let such writings and theorizing alone, and sing, "The old-time religion is good enough for me."
2.  While cordial with every person, be very careful to select only the good as your companions.  People are rightly judged by the company they keep.  Select a true Christian when you are choosing your life-companion.
3.  The disposition that looks for and takes slights is ignoble, unhappy and pitiable.  Let your intelligence keep you from either giving or taking a slight.
4.  Have your life insured, if you are a man, and so provide that, if you should be taken to heaven, your wife will not have to go out washing for a living.  Many spend more money on tobacco or liquor than would keep proper insurance on their life.
5.  Ever act on principle, no matter what your feelings or impulses are.  Animals run on feeling, but we should be guided by intelligence.
6.  Do not say, or do, or read or write anything that you cannot submit to God for His approval.
7.  Do not be driven or try to drive others.  Remember the wise motto, "He leads best who seems to follow."
8.  Do not doubt the reality and purity of Christianity because of the inconsistency or wickedness of some professing Christians.  Infidelity makes this blunder.  It is the Christian light that discloses wrong.
9.  Have enough common sense not to turn against a Church or denomination because of what one of its ministers or members did.  A near relation of mine, rightly disapproving of a funeral sermon he heard, said, "I am disposed to vow that no Methodist minister shall ever preach my funeral sermon."  I replied, "Would that be intelligent?  The man, not the Methodist ministry, made the great blunder."  He saw how absurd his thought was.
10.  Do not ask an explanation of spiritual things, as did Nicodemus, or seek to understand or explain spiritual mysteries.
        Some foolishly say, "I will not believe what I cannot understand and explain."  If so, then they wil not believe in heat, light, electricity, sound, gravitation, matter, life, medical science, digestion, affinity, or anything else, for there is not one thing in all the material universe that any human being understands and can explain how, why, and what it is.  So, everything in the spiritual world is equally mysterious and inexplicable to man.  We know, but cannot explain the facts, that the wind blows and the Spirit renews the heart, that water satisfies bodily thirst and Christ satisfies spiritual thirst, that heat, light and electicity are mysteries, but realities, as are also love, joy and hope.  Be able to say, "We know the things that are freely given to us of God" ( 1 Cor 2:12 ).
   Brother Love

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