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Be A _ Christian : Be a Faithful Christian
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From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2004 1:59 AM
    God rewards faithfulness rather than success.  He says, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
1.  Be faithful with the talents you have.  Though your talent is small. do not slothfully bury it or lap it up in the napkin of modesty, but do the best you can and no man or angel can do more.
2.  Be faithful in employing time.  It is the material out of which life is made.  Eternity is near.
3.  Be faithful as a steward, with your property.  "The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of hosts." ( Hag 2:8 ).  Hear Christ's solemn words: "If ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?" ( Luke 16:11 ).  God is a great banker, and each one of us is appointed as manager of one His branch banks.  Each manager should seek to increase the bank capital, and every year, by wise contributions, make definite and systematic returns of 10 per cent. and upwards to the head bank; then use what is necessary for personal and family needs, and retain the balance to advance the interests of the Lord's branch bank.  This idea gives responsibility and dignity to business.  Shall we be defaulters, and so sin, disgrace and injure ourselves by robbing God of "tithes and offerings?" ( Mal 3:8 ).
4.  Be faithful to Christ and His commands.  Remember that omission of duty is sin.
     Do not try to excuse yourself for doing anything evil or questionable because another does it or thinks it no harm.  Jesus says, "What is that to thee? follow thou Me."  Take as your motto: "Whatsover He saith unto you, do it." ( John 2:5 ).
5.  Be faithful to yourself.  "Do thyself no harm."  I know those who having made a wrong promise think they must stick to it.  We are commanded to do right, and not make rash vows, much less carry them out.  Jesus teaches us that a rash vow should be broken ( Matt 21:29 ).
6.  Never compromise or swerve from the right.  Ever act, like Daniel, on principle.
     Do not say, "I am as good as others," or, "I shall be more faithful," but "be faithful."
7.  Be faithful to the unconverted.  Live worthy of their confidence, and seek to win for Christ both youth and adults ( Col 4:5 ).
8.  Be faithful to your family, whether as a father or mother, husband or wife, son or daughter, brother or sister, by ever acting out the Golden Rule.  Read and obey Eph 4:22-28.
9.  Be faithful to the Church of Christ; for by it the world is to be saved.  Be true to your own church, its pastor and members, and seek to make it the model church.  Be as faithful in attendance upon the means of grace as upon school, work, or meals.
     Be true to all sister churches; do not speak against them.  Do not seek to proselyte members; that is, do not be a "sheep stealer."
10.  Always be faithful.  With fresh inspiration, go forth to do your duty in the world, your family and the Church, and you shall hear the welcome plaudit, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
   Brother Love 

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