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Be A _ Christian : Be a Church Christian
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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 9/12/2004 2:01 AM
   There are two classes of people - the saved and the unsaved.  All of the saved, of all ages, should be in the Church as members, and all the unsaved outside.
     If you are not a Christian, and outside of the Church, I would not say, "Stay out," but I would urge you to become a Christian and at once join the Church
     If a person has no home, he is called a tramp; so a Christian, without a church home, may be properly and politely called an ecclesiastical tramp.  Tramps do not seem to respect themselves, and cannot command the respect and confidence of other people as those who have homes.  If you value yourself and your influence, do not be an ecclesiastical tramp, but have a church home.
     You cannot put much dependence upon those professing conversion who refuse to join the Church.
    Do you say, "I can live as good a Christian without joining the Church as if I were a member?"  Many have attempted this, but have always failed, and you will be no exception to the rule if you try.  Do you know one living person, not a member of some religious organization, that is living a consistent, exemplary Christian life?  If you do, I would like to be introduced to him or have his picture, as I am especially fond of curiosities.
   Living a consistent Christian life includes obeying Christ, but not to associate with His Church and people on earth is disobeying Him.
    Living as an exemplary Christian is setting an example worthy for all to imitate.  If every Christian would follow the example of the ones who call themselves Christians, and yet refuse to become members of any branch of the Church of Christ, while some of them might get to heaven, the world would go back to heathenism.
       You should join the Church for several reasons.
1.  For the sake of Christ, who has saved you.  God says, "Ye are My witnesses."
2.  For the sake of His Church, that needs you.  If you secretly try to be a Christian, you will be used against the Church and Christianity, for people will say of you, "He makes no profession of religion, and he is a great deal better than many of the Church members," and they will use you to slap the Church and professing Christians.
3.  For the sake of your example to others.
4.  For the sake of your own household.  Do not wait for another to join with you, but as husband or wife, parent or child, do your duty, and God will bless you and make you a blessing.
5.  For the sake of yourself.  It will strengthen your purpose to commit yourself.  You will feel your responsibility to Christ and His cause all the more.
    Do you say, "I will join the Church when I find one perfect?"  As Spurgeon said, "My friend, you will not find it this side of heaven, and if you did they would not accept you, for then they would cease to be perfect."  Get into the Church you prefer.
     If the church of your choice is not where you are living, then unite with the church there that suits you best.  Be a member of some church.
     Three rules that may help you decide which church you should join. ( 1 ) Where you believe you can be most at home, as the Church is a home.  ( 2 ) Where you believe you can receive the most good, as "charity begins at home."  ( 3 ) Where you believe you can do the most good, as God designs us to be useful.
    God will direct you in this important matter as you sincerely open your heart and mind to Him.
     Also do not join a Church because you think it will bring you greater social position or financial gain.  Do not join a Church because it will grant you license to live in sin or indulge in questionable practices, and not disturb you.  And do not join a Church that unchurches other Christian denominations, and is not doing aggressive work for God.
     Do not be only a boarder in the church, but recognize yourself as a son or daughter in the family and make yourself generally useful.
     Feel at home and be courteous to all, old and young.
    Have a strong preference for the Church of your choice, yet do not be a bigot, but have a broad charity for all sister Churches.
     Be a Church Christian.
     Brother Love

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