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Be A _ Christian : Be a Hopeful Christian
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 9/22/2004 12:26 PM
    Hope consists of expectation and desire.  It is natural to become discouraged.  Expel this tendency by faith in God and His promises, and by cultivating a hopeful spirit.
1.  Be hopeful of success in living a Christian life.  Some would be really be surprised if they did not fail.  Expect to prove true; but do not become discouraged though you ocasionally or even frequently fail.  There are few soldiers or Christians but have met with some defeats.
   If you ever fail, be not dismayed, but hear Christ your Captain, say, "Lo, I am with you alway;" rally your forces, and you may gain the day.
   Wild geese, when they start south, fly so low that hunters, with shot-gun or rifle, wound or kill some; but the flock flies higher and higher, so that soon they are so high that shot will not reach them.  So if temptations assail, and you yield and are wounded, fly higher and keep on your course till you reach that altitude of grace and nearness to Christ where temptations lose their power.
2.  Be hopeful of success in Christian work.  This is most important.  A person said to me, "I used to have great success in the work of God; but now I have none.  What is the reason?"  I replied, "You are discouraged; your face and conversation show it ; so you do not help but hinder others."  The mistake was seen and corrected, and taking fresh hope in God, success came again.
3.  Be hopeful about the conversion of your friends and loved ones.  Worry and despair are the children of doubt, and always militate against success.
4.  Be hopeful about getting to heaven.  Many are distressed because of frequent failures and unworthiness, and fear they will miss the better land.  Think not of your merit or demerit, but of your "Father's good pleasure," and hear Jesus' words, "Fear not."
5.  Seek to inspire hope in others.  Many persons get discouraged, and so discourage and injure the very ones they desire and endeavor to help.
6.  We should especially encourage the boys and girls in the home, school and church.  What they will become depends so much upon this.
    You can, if wicked or ignorant enough, take a child that is naturally clever , kind and good, and you may, unless some one counteracts your influence, by often speaking of him or her as being stupid, mean and bad, make that one dull, evil and devilish.
    Again, you may take a child that is stupid, careless stubborn, hateful and devilish, and by patient cheerful, firm and persistent encouragement, make him bright, thoughtful, docile, kind and good ( Rev 3:2 ).
   Study carefully the following Bible reading.
1. Reasons for our Christian hope:
a)  Christ ( 1 Pet 1:1 )
b)  His death and resurrection ( 1 Pet 1:3 )
c)  The promises ( Titus 1:2 )
d)  The Gospel ( Col 1:23 )
e)  God's oath ( Heb 6:17-20 )
f)  Christ in the heart ( Col 1:27 )
2.  The gracious fruits of Christian hope:
a)  Faith ( Rom 4:18-21 )
b)  Love ( Rom v 5 )
c)  Rejoicing ( Rom v 2 )
d)  Assurance ( Heb 6:11 )
e)  Fruitfulness ( Jer 17:7-8 )
f)  Purity ( 1 John 3:3 )
   Brother Love

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDaidraSent: 10/4/2004 10:18 PM
I hear ya, Mr. Wonder!

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Sent: 10/16/2004 8:13 PM
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