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Be A _ Christian : Be a Consistent Christian
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From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 12/28/2004 2:05 AM
     Be what Moody calls "An O.and O.C.," that is, an out-and-out Christian.
   Do not see how near the precipice you can go and yet be safe, but keep far away from danger. 
   Be an everyday Christian.  What you won't do on Sunday, don't do on Monday either.
    Do not try to separate honesty from Christianity.  Godliness is not only an experience, but a life also.  Either be honest, or do not profess to be a Christian.
   Know the will of God and cheerfully do it.  Control your lowest and worst self, while you act out your highest and best self, and be as good as you know how.
    Practice the two great Bible precepts concerning evil.
1.  "Abhor that which is evil" ( Rom 12:9 ).  All know and admit that dishonesty, profanity, falsehood, licentiousness, drunkenness, idleness, covetousness, evil-speaking, backbiting, slander, gambling, malice, hypocrisy, and such like are evil.  Then let us abhor all these recognized evils.
2.  "Abstain from all appearance of evil" ( 1 Thess 5:22 ).  That is, keep from everything that is doubtful or questionable.  As so many ask, "Is there any harm in card-playing, horse-racing, reading trashy novels, smoking, and wine-drinking," it is very evident that these are all questionable practices, to say the least.  Then let us give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, be on the safe side, and turn from all these, not feeling that we are making a sacrifice, but that they are all good riddance ( Matt 13:44 ).
    Have the same moral and religious standard for boys and men that you have for girls and women.
    Every Christian to be consistent, should seek the conversion of others.  Christ commands this, love constrains, and sinners expect it. 
    I would rather for the present, and for years to come, be on earth than in heaven; because if I were in heaven, I could only rejoice when sinners repented; but being on earth, I may not only rejoice, but also have a hand and voice in their salvation.
    Do not barter Jesus at any price.  Judas, to many, seems a most despicable character, because he sold and betrayed the Saviour.  I fear that others, besides Judas, have sold Him for a trifle.  When a Christian acts inconsistently in politics, in business or in his amusements, he sells and betrays his Lord.
    People often say, "I will not go where I cannot take Jesus with me."  That is a good rule, but it is even better to say, "I will not be found where Jesus does not lead the way."
   Never accept any invitation or proffered honors where Jesus, your divine Bridegroom, would not be a welcome Guest, and all heaven will honor you.
   Brother Love

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