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Be A _ Christian : Be a Courageous Christian
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From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 2/23/2005 3:09 PM
   The Lord teaches us the importance and necessity of faith-inspired courage when He, in two chapters, directed Joshua seven different times: "Be strong and of good courage." ( Deut 31:6-7, 23; Josh 1:6,7,9,18 )
   Some are worse than failures in life from want of courage or moral backbone.
1.  Have courage to confess Christ and show your colours.  You may be laughed at at first and derided but ever being firm in the discharge of Christian duty you will win the respect of all and many through your godly example will become pronounced Christians.
2.  Have strong moral and religious principles, and have courage to stand by them and resist temptation always and everywhere.  Dare to be a Daniel, even in high society ( Dan 1:8 ).
3.  Have courage to say "No."  I heard of one who was repeatedly asked to drink, who answered first, "No thank you;" then, "No sir;" and lastly, "No."  That settled it.
4.  Do not be either coaxed, joked, bribed, frightened, or allured to do wrong, or to compromise with sin.  "If sinners entice thee, consent thou not." ( Prov 1:10 ).  It is not trust, or courage, but presumption, to unnecessarily go into places of danger or sin.  Like Christ, trust, but do not presume ( Matt 4:8 ).
   Learn from Samson's sad fall to keep your head off Delilah's lap. and not to parley or trifle with temptation.  Follow the example of Joseph, who asked, "How can I do this great wickedness?"  and say with Peter, "I must obey God rather than man."
   The Christian who adheres to the right has nothing to fear.  How often God says to us, "Fear not."  To control yourself is an evidence of the greatest heroism.  Be a valiant general and control your temper, tongue, thoughts, curiosity and appetites.
5.  Do not let the prevalence of sin or a temporary victory of Satan dispirit you.  Remember God lives and rules, and shall reign from pole to pole.
     Martin Luther, during the long struggle of the Reformation, was once for a few weeks utterly discouraged.  One day as he returned home, after a few days absence, he was dismayed at finding his wife dressed in deep mourning and looking dejected.  In the greatest anxiety, he exclaimed, "What is the matter, Kate; who is dead?  She said, "Should I not be sad as you when our Heavenly Father is dead?"  We may learn, as did Luther, from the strange reproof.
6.  Have courage to do Christian work.  Fear keeps many as drones, and impedes others.  God cannot use a person that is afraid.  He sent home 22,000 of Gideon's soldiers who lacked courage ( Jud 7:3 ).
     If you get discouraged and silently show it - or worse still, if you complain, scold, abuse, or blame others, you will ensure failure every time.
     Do your duty, and you will have success.  Jesus says, "Fear not, thou shalt catch men ( Luke 5:10 ).
7.  Lack of courage keeps many out of promised experiences, as with ancient Israel ( Num 13:30-31 ).  The Holy Spirit imparts true courage ( Acts 1:8 ).  Peter, naturally cowardly, becomes courageous after Pentecost.
8.  The Christian life is a "good warfare."  Complete armour is provided.  Courage and faith in our Captain will ensure victory.  Do not be afraid of the lions by the way, for they are chained.  "Keep in de middle ob de road."
     How dare we get discouraged?  Trustingly sing. as did Cromwell and his Ironsides, "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge."
   Brother Love

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