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Be A _ Christian : Be an Exemplary Christian
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: Brother Love  (Original Message)Sent: 4/14/2005 1:26 AM
     Take as your daily motto: "Let your light so shine before men" ( Matt 5:16 ), so will you glorify your Heavenly Father.
    Every professing Christian should be a living Bible ( 2 Cor 3:2 ).  We are the Bible the world reads.  Christianity is judged more by its professors than by the Bible.  You will be read like a book, and correctly commented upon.  Great is your privilege and responsibility.  If inconsistent, you will wrong Christ, and injure the unconverted and yourself ( 1 Cor 8:12 ), but being consistent, you will honor Christ and save yourself and others.
    It is easier to lose the confidence of people than to regain it.  Some destroy their influence for a trifle.  Be careful about the little things.  Do not sacrifice a good reputation for any price.  You may sell your reputation for twenty-five cents, but you cannot buy it back for that.
     Learn to say no politely, but very firmly.  Never compromise, but always and everywhere set an example worthy of imitation, and your life before the world, like Daniel's, will be unimpeachable.
     Christ represents us in heaven, and appoints us to to represent Him on earth.  If you were His only representative, what would those who know you think of Christianity?  People often say, "If that is Christianity, I don't want it."  Raise no false light.
    One practical evidence of "pure and undefiled religion" is to keep "unspotted from the world" ( James 1:27 ).  See that you are not spotted by the world.
     The higher you stand in society or the Church, the greater your influence for good or evil.  We are responsible for our influence, not only in things that are evil, but also in those things that are doubtful to others ( 1 Cor 8:9-13 ).
     Keep off Satan's territory and never be found where it would be a disgrace to die.  The story is told of one who died at a dance, and while Satan was dragging her down to hell, Peter claimed her for heaven; but Satan protested, saying, "I found her on my territory."
     Do not take the older church members, or even pastors, or evangelists or ministers wives, as your example; or only so far as they follow Christ, our great Exemplar.
    Adopt as your ideal of experience and life, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" ( Phil 2:5 ).  What does that mean?  If I have your mind, I will not necessarily act as you do, but as you would act if you were in my position; so if you have the mind of Christ, you will not do as He did, but as Christ would do if He were in your position.  Often think, "What would Christ do if He were in my place?" and act accordingly.  Study and imitate His character and you will imbibe His spirit.
    As a Christian we can say, "I'm a child of the King."  Say not then, "What is the harm in this or that?" "Other Christians do it."  "If I never do worse, I guess I will be all right;" but ask, "Can I do it in Christ's name, looking for His presence and blessing."
   Brother Love

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