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NLS Devotionals : With All Your Heart ..........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 11/8/2007 9:23 PM
Love God with Your All ............

Scripture Focus: Matthew  22:34-40
�?FONT color=#0000cc>Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.�?This is the first and greatest commandment
�?(Matthew 22:37-38).

This Mandate from the Master was given when He was subjected to some very critical interrogation. Matthew 22 speaks of three separate groups who did their best to trip Him up.

First came Herodians, members of a political party that advocated submission to the Romans. These men tried to entangle Jesus by posing questions about paying taxes (vs. 15-22).

The second group were Sadducees, a radical and rationalistic sect who denied the supernatural. They questioned Jesus on the resurrection, but He soon put them to silence (vs. 23-33).

Then came legalistic Pharisees who also plotted to trip Him up. A lawyer asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?�?(vs. 36) He was bent on discovering if Jesus�?answer would harmonize with accepted truth.

In His reply Jesus proclaimed a Mandate which is in reality a reaffirmation of God’s command in Deuteronomy 6:5. Love for God should stem from heart, soul, and mind.

Insight: Jesus'�?Mandate still stands as the “first and greatest commandment.�?To what extent does God have first place in all your inward affection, consciousness, and thoughts?

Jesus is Lord of All
Michael D. Inman
- Going to church doesn't make you a Christian...
   ...any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. -
(Like Jesus, I just love YOU....Forever!)

Restoration Ministry

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