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NLS Devotionals : Be a Doer, not an Intender .........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 11/16/2007 10:09 PM
Scripture: James 1:22�?STRONG>But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

Reflection: Do you actually do your faith? I'm not asking if you go to church, drop a dollar in the offering, or teach a bible class. No doubt "hearers who deceive themselves" regularly do all these things; but when was the last time you actually feed a hungry stranger? Or talked to a teen about sex, drinking, and drugs—or went by someone's house to pray with them—or visited someone in the hospital other than someone you are obligated to visit? How long has it been since you actually talked to someone about accepting Jesus as Christ and Lord?

Charles Grahame wrote about business, but his words apply to religion as well. He wrote, "It is not difficult to become a successful Management Consultant, providing you follow one cardinal rule: never actually DO anything. You may talk indefinitely; give advice, make recommendations, recommend redundancies; hold meeting, look wise, even write the odd report, but never, never lay your hand to a job of work, because sure as fate they will find you out." (How to Try Hard in Business Without Really Succeeding)

Prayer Starter: Father, make me a real doer of your will, not just a talker or intender or self deceived pretender. In Jesus' name and for his sake, Amen.

Shared by Robert Barkley

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