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NLS Devotionals : Vision Without Boundaries ...........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 11/30/2007 4:06 PM
Vision Without Boundaries ...............
READ | Luke 18:27

What do you think goes through the minds of runners during a marathon?
It's not unusual for them to think about crossing the finish line. If they let themselves dwell on how long, painful, or difficult the race will be, they could easily fail.

With regard to our aspirations, we would be wise to follow a similar thought
pattern. If we permit ourselves to think about obstacles in our path, we are less likely to succeed.

God's vision is for us to share His message of hope all over the world (Luke 24:47-49). 
Like a marathon, it's a huge task, and many Christians feel "all the nations" is too big an assignment. Other believers stop because of a language barrier or safety concern. And some just don't know how to start, so they let insecurity deter them. But Jesus' mandate must translate into our obedience, which means we must overcome any hindrances.

First, it's important to identify limitations that exist in our minds. Second, we should
be motivated by God's transformation of our own lives. Third, we rely on Jesus' promise of His presence and the Holy Spirit's empowerment. Remember that the Lord said what would be impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). Once we break down our objections and obey in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we'll be amazed at what God will do through us.

What mental limitations have you put on sharing the good news of the gospel with the
world? Ask for forgiveness, refocus on the goal, and tell the Lord that you are available to share and to serve. Have a Jesus Filled Day! God Bless!
Shared by aStormsWhisper

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