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NLS Devotionals : The Wealth and Power of the World Bowed Down Before Him ........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2007 8:55 PM
Scripture: Matthew 2:11�?STRONG>On entering the house, they saw the child
with Mary His mother; and they knelt down and paid Him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Reflection: The writer of Matthew's gospel has theological motives.
He tells the story of Jesus in order to deliver a message about God
and he chooses his characters with care. The Magi were astrologers;
powerful and rich; they came from strange places far away. Why did
he choose to tell their story? He could have stuck with shepherds and
other Jewish locals. These guys do not resemble any of Luke's cast of

Matthew is making a point about these visitors and we don't want to
miss it. They were filled with the wisdom of the world and in them
the esoteric bowed before the Savior. In them, the wealth and power
of the world got on its knees before a small child and in these
traveling Magi, the distant came eye to eye with the Holy One now
become flesh and blood. It is no accident their story is there�?
Matthew uses them to serve notice that the baby in Bethlehem is the
ruler of wisdom and wealth and power; all that is earthly and far
from God.

Prayer Starter: Father, you are sovereign over all things. You alone
are worthy of our worship and at your feet the world's wealth,
wisdom, power and culture find their proper place and exalt their
God. Amen.

Shared by Robert Barkley

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