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All Message Boards : When Am I At My Best?
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From: MSN Nickname_MrWonder_  (Original Message)Sent: 4/28/2008 12:58 AM
When Am I At My Best?
He that would be great among you let him be servant of all.
When I stoop down or get on my knees so a child can climb into my arms I am at my best.  While I am greater physically, mentally, you-name-it, than the child, when I bow or stoop to lift up the child I am at my best.  When I humble myself for the sake of another, I am at my best.  When I help the aged and infirm, I am at my best.
Humbled, I am at my best.
God knows that.
He showed me His "best" side when He showed me Christ, the humblest of all, for He, God in human form, took the position of the lowest slave in a Hebrew household - He washed the dirty feet of His disciples.
They knew what He was doing and it shamed them.  Peter was indignant and swore the Lord would never wash his feet.  And the Lord said, "If I don't, you have no part with me" and Peter said, "Not my feet only Lord, but my head and hands too!"
He would do anything to be next to the Lord Jesus.
What a God!  He could have come to earth in majesty and splendor and ordered us around like grovelling dogs and made us obey.  But He chose to serve and to love and to humble Himself to the ignominous death of the Cross instead.  And we adore Him for it!
He was the true Servant-Leader.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.  I love You, Lord Jesus, because you loved me first and stooped down to take me into Your arms.  Undeserving of Your notice, You not only noticed me but You loved me and gave Yourself for my own sins.  I love You, Lord Jesus.
©2008 MrWonder Published 4.27.2008

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From: FemiSent: 6/29/2008 9:06 PM