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NLS Devotionals : Reflect His Presence .........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 12/2/2007 3:19 AM
Participating in His Nature

Scripture Focus: 2 Peter 1:1-11
“He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires�?/FONT>
(2 Peter 1:4).

We’ve been examining some of God’s gracious promises. We may ask the ultimate purpose for our Lord‚s giving us these promises. It certainly has to go beyond helping us along life’s way.

Peter speaks of the coming reign of Christ. In the light of cataclysmic happening heralding his return, Peter urges his readers to so live that their actions reflect God’s presence in their lives.

Peter declares that God has given great and precious promises primarily that we may participate in His divine nature. His promises received, believed, and obeyed will work in our hearts so that the beauty of the Lord Jesus will be revealed in us, expressed in our everyday activities.

The greatest longing of every true Christian, the great goal of his life is to be like Christ. Ultimately we’ll be just that without fault or sin. Some day we’ll stand perfect in His sight. But until then, let’s lay hold of God’s promises each day so that we may grow up in Christ and show more of Him and less of ourselves.

Insight: Promises abound in Scripture, and God is faithful. Let’s take them and prove them one by one that we may actively participate in Christ’s divine nature.

Jesus is Lord of All
Michael D. Inman
- Going to church doesn't make you a Christian...
   ...any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. -
(Like Jesus, I just love YOU....Forever!)

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