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NLS Devotionals : Live It ..........
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From: nls  (Original Message)Sent: 12/4/2007 7:19 PM

December 4, 2007

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.  --Psalm 119:15-16

You know, it's pretty simple. To claim real victory over temptation and sin in our lives, you and I need to get in the Word of God and we need to stay in the Word of God.

There really is no excuse not to read the Bible! I mean, it's on the internet in every possible version and translation, you can download it on your iPod, and it's on CD! You can even listen to it on your way to work! There are more opportunities than ever to get into God's Word.

But there's more than just reading or listening to the Word of God. It must be applied to our lives. One of the best things you can do for your Christian walk is to memorize Scripture. Because when you memorize Scripture, it becomes a part of you... it becomes your way of life... and it becomes your defense against Satan. You will be amazed how God will use those verses you have memorized in your life!

But also, you must be obedient to God's Word. You must do what it says... you must be obedient to the counsel, guidance, and advice found in God's Word. Following Jesus Christ means obedience in every way... not just in some parts of your life, but obedience in every aspect of your life.

Maybe today you'd admit that you're struggling with sin... that you're about ready to give in to temptation. If so, turn to God's Word. Read it... meditate on it... pray about the verses you read, and strive to live it out day by day.


To claim real victory over temptation and sin in your life, you need to get in the Word of God and stay in the Word of God.