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Who's Who : me in my garage/office
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 Message 1 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegrafhanny  (Original Message)Sent: 10/3/2003 1:10 AM
 Just thought I'd show you who
is giving you all that trouble.  Love, Marianne

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 Message 26 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 10/23/2003 3:57 PM
Hi MrWonder, 
You're so poetic, hee, hee.  I wonder what ever happened to Daidra's picture.  As a matter of fact, I wonder what happened to Daidra.  Do you have a clue?
Love, Marianne

 Message 27 of 40 in Discussion 
From: Brother LoveSent: 5/31/2004 6:34 PM
   Hi Marianne
    I fully expected you to be a good looking woman but you have exceeded my expectations. 
     It's great to now picture you when we talk.

 Message 28 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 6/2/2004 4:29 AM
Hi Brother Love,
I bet you say that to all the girls, oops I mean, us older ladies. (Haven't gotten used to that one yet) Now that you can picture me, do you think we'll be able to picture you eventually?  Well, maybe not since you seem to be as much computerally challenged as I am.    Thanks for the compliment.
Love, Marianne

 Message 29 of 40 in Discussion 
From: Cajun HuguenotSent: 6/27/2004 1:46 AM


You’re not only feisty, you are a (Christian) babe as well.

In Christ,


 Message 30 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 6/29/2004 5:16 AM
Hi Cajun,
Who me, feisty? Weeellll, maybe just a tad outspoken, hee, hee.  Thanks for the compliment.  You're not so bad yourself.
Love, Marianne

 Message 31 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCatholicChristian1Sent: 6/29/2004 8:27 PM
Good to see a picture!  Nice to know whom I'm talking to!  And, no, ABSOLUTLEY nothing wrong with petite women, hehehe...I happen to be one also!  I claim 5'0, but, alas, others would argue with me!
p.s.  AND, NO, no picture.  I hate my pictures  and since I take most of them, I'm not in many!

 Message 32 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 6/30/2004 4:41 AM
Hi CC,
I really am 5'4, honest.  And I really do have to step down about 4 inches into the garage, and that's why I look so short compared to the door, hee, hee. 
Talking about babes in the male gender, you should see Cajun and MrWonder. Hunks, both of them.  Kenny (Ken Hamrick) is cute as a button as well.
Love, Marianne

 Message 33 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAdoringHeatherSent: 1/3/2005 1:04 AM
its nice to put a face to the name and a nice one at that i got your reply thanks it really helps to know there are others out there who do pay attention thanks for making me feel welcome think i will stick arond lol hope to cross paths ahain soo heather

 Message 34 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIsahAlMasih_1Sent: 1/3/2005 1:11 AM
Sheesh I'm getting OLD!  I forgot that I had seen it before until you I saw this post of what I said!!  Good grief, and I thought I wasn't old yet!
Love in Christ,

 Message 35 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 1/3/2005 8:55 PM
Hi Heather,
Yes, we are to pay attention to one another, pray for one another and help carry one another's burdens.  What state do you live in, Heather?
Love in the Lord, Marianne

 Message 36 of 40 in Discussion 
From: sly2Sent: 3/2/2005 12:30 AM
Hey Sis!!! Just takin' a peek. You look about as old as I do! And "That's very young"!!! If we stand for nothing else, We still look good and can hang with the best of em'!!! How you been doin'?? I have been praying that you and yours are being blessed! As well as this site!! Me?  I know you are curious so, I have been preparing to go fight the good fight (again!), over in "you know where"! Iraq! I won't know until Aug. but; I'm at least "mentally" ready. I'll keep you guy's informed and up to date though! Am i afraid? Nah.... My Wife is scared enough for both of us! And I can't imagine why?? She thinks that "this time" will be different. I kind of agree with her. But; If will settle the mind: "I'm a lot more experienced than the kids that they are sending there". Also, my combat experience has always come from "active duty" service, not the Reserves or National Guards. I'm currently assigned to a reserve unit. A lot of Soldiers who have never been anywhere and are not really ready for combat per se'. Yet, when do you consider yourself ready?
Gotta learn sometime. E-nuff about me though. Take care and keep in touch!!!
Sly 2

 Message 37 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 3/6/2005 8:52 PM
Hi Sly,
I'm soooooo sorry it took me so long to get to this message!
Hey Sis!!! Just takin' a peek. You look about as old as I do! And "That's very young"!!! If we stand for nothing else, We still look good and can hang with the best of em'!!!
Thanks, Sly, for that big fat lie, hee, hee.  I look in the mirror sometimes and say to myself "how did you ever get this old!!!!!  Waaaaaaaah.  Just the other day I was 20! And here I just had my 60th birthday a couple of weeks ago.  I try to get depressed about it, just to see what it would feel like, and I can't work up any, hee, hee. 
 How you been doin'?? I have been praying that you and yours are being blessed! As well as this site!! Me?  I know you are curious so, I have been preparing to go fight the good fight (again!), over in "you know where"! Iraq!
Whaaaaaaaaaatttt???????  Have you taken all leave of your senses?????????  I FORBID IT!!!  Are you nuts???????  Has somebody slipped you something mind altering???????????? 
 I won't know until Aug. but; I'm at least "mentally" ready. I'll keep you guy's informed and up to date though! Am i afraid? Nah.... My Wife is scared enough for both of us! And I can't imagine why?? She thinks that "this time" will be different. I kind of agree with her.
If I were your wife I'd have you COMMITTED!!!!!!  Of course you're afraid!!!!  And of course this is different!!!!!  We're sitting in Babylon, for Pete's sake, and about to incinerate Damascus, if not us, somebody!  You'll get caught in the cross of Ezekiel 38 and 39 probably as well!!!! 
 But; If will settle the mind: "I'm a lot more experienced than the kids that they are sending there". Also, my combat experience has always come from "active duty" service, not the Reserves or National Guards. I'm currently assigned to a reserve unit. A lot of Soldiers who have never been anywhere and are not really ready for combat per se'. Yet, when do you consider yourself ready?
Of course you're more experienced!!!!  So what?????  You've done your time. Do you have kids?  I don't recall you ever saying one way or another.  I thought your wife wasn't doing too well physically.  Shouldn't you hang with her?????
Gotta learn sometime. E-nuff about me though. Take care and keep in touch!!!
I don't suppose you'd like to tell us what made you decide to do this?  Gotta learn what?  I love you dearly, Sly, and I don't want to see a hair on your head hurt! 
Love, Marianne
Sly 2

 Message 38 of 40 in Discussion 
From: sly2Sent: 8/18/2006 3:03 AM
Hey Graf!! As you know, I took your advice and will be trying to stick it out with the wife here at home. (man! you people make me feel old)....The wife wasn't having it. Said she's had enough of me blowing up stuff, breaking things and.........You know. STUFF!!! I only want one more tour to blow up some "insurgents"!!..Insurgents. That's rich. How about cowardly terrorists?? That's what I call them!! Insurgents. Boy! America is duped by the media once again. Any-hoo...How's my girl???? Still fightin' the fight i see!! I know that you've gotten some of my e-mails and that some were scrambled. I use Earthlink and they are a mess in sending or receiving msgs. But; You keep in touch Sis!!! I love you too!!! And don't worry. We will "Always" look good!!!
SLY 2 S-somebody L-loves Y-you 2-too!!!!

 Message 39 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesandman564Sent: 1/18/2007 3:35 PM
Hi Marianne,that is a very tall,i was wondering???whats going on at CD,i havnt been able to get in at all lately,are you havnt the same problem???

 Message 40 of 40 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamegrafhannySent: 1/27/2007 3:24 AM
Hi Sandman,
I don't know why you can't get into CD.  Here's the link.  Try it again and if it doesn't work E-mail me:
Sorry, I didn't see this sooner.  Daizy IM'd me and told me you had posted to me.  Thanks for remembering me.
Love in the Lord, Marianne

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