 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 21 in Discussion |
| From: spiderwoman (Original Message) | Sent: 12/6/2008 1:45 AM |
at approx. 6:30 p.m.-, Harry closed his eyes and stopped breathing. it was peaceful and he is no longer in pain. thank you all for your prayers and please keep his family in your prayers for the next few days to finalize things. |
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Helen My sincerest sympathies to you and the whole family. May God wrap you all in comfort and love. Am keeping you in my prayers and will continue to do so for as long as needed. My love to you always, Maggie |
 | | From: Bridget | Sent: 12/6/2008 3:57 AM |
My dear sweet friend , it is my hope that you will find comfort in his peace. In comfort of your friends and family here who are praying for all of you in the days and weeks to come. You have been a wonderful sister to your brother and he knows how deeply you love him. May his love sustain you through the rough days ahead. And may you feel the arms of the good lord above holding you close. You and Nancy and the family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I never met your brother but truthfully have to say what an inspiration his zest and love for life has personally been for me. If you could let Nancy know my heart is with her at this time. xoxoxo B*  |
 | | From: kelley | Sent: 12/6/2008 8:45 AM |
Helen, I am so sorry to hear about the death of your brother. My prayers are with you and your family. My condolences Kelley |
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Helen, May God hold you all and keep you in his arms. And may Harry find the biggest and best fishing hole there is in Heaven! Love, Ruth |
 | | From: Sally | Sent: 12/6/2008 3:33 PM |
Helen, Your whole family is in my prayers. Sally |
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Helen, I am so sorry. My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family. Harry was, and will continue to be an inspiration to so many. He may have gone to Heaven but his spirit will live on. I have sent you an e-mail. God Bless all of you during this beyond difficult time. Hugs Katie |
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thank you all for your love and support. I hurt and am so cold from the inside but your words help more than I can tell you. as you all can imagine, Harry fought to the end and didn't want to close his eyes for fear he wouldn't open them. his cancer was spreading quickly and his pain was bad. I took great comfort in the fact that he just went to sleep and his eyes were closed when he died. it was so gentle. he certainly had enough pain already. you are so dear to me in helping me though this. |
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Helen, I am so sorry for your loss. May you and your family find comfort during these difficult times. |
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Helen, I am so sorry to hear about Harrys passing. My deepest sympathy and prayers to you and your family. You know Harry will find the best fishing hole and now be at peace and without pain. Hugs and prayers, Ginger |
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Helen, I sure didnt want to be writing this letter to you yet. I had hoped for Harrys tenacity to see you all through Christmas. I have thought of you all every day since you posted about Harrys recent illness. He was a brother to be proud of and a person who I wish I could emulate. What spirit and courage he had, and an unending love for family and especially his grandson. What better epitaph could a man leave? I just know that the best fishing hole is reserved specially for him........ All my love and hugs, DIanne |
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I am very sorry for your loss, your family are in my prayers. God bless. Leonie |
 | | From: lbinki | Sent: 12/7/2008 1:01 PM |
Blessings to you and your family. I am so very sorry for your loss.
I wish I could have known your brother. He was a gift to this group just knowing
him through you~
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 | | From: Hans | Sent: 12/7/2008 4:49 PM |
Helen I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Hans |
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I'm so sorry about your loss! At least he's not in pain any longer.
Pauline |
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Dear Spiderwoman-
Hi. I can't even begin to imagine the pain that you and that Harry's wife and the family are going through. I actually waited a few days before replying, because it just hit me in the gut. Harry, through you, has been part of my famiy and my inspiration for so long now I just didn't know how to respond- or what to think or say. I almost can't believe it. His humour and strenght, and just warm-hearted good nature, he was such a wonderful wonderful person. I just -- well, there just is no way, no matter what you hear or know about something 'impending'- there's still now way to really prepare for it. I'd like to say I'm glad he's not in pain, and I'm glad hes not, but all I can really think, all I've thought the past few days is "I can't believe it- I wish he were still here." I'm not really big about losing someone as wonderful as that. Sorry for being inappropriate. And yet I know I feel only the tiniest fraction of pain and loss that you, and that his wife and your family must feel.
All I can think is that he would want a celebration of his wonderful, caring, loving, giving life, rather than sorrow. If I could tie one one right now in his honor I would, but I'm many years sober, so I will celebrate the happiness and hope he brought to me, with a smile on my face, and tears ini my eyes.
I wish you and his family that all the love and joy and hope he brought all of us through you for so long, be reflected right back at you. I can't imigaine it will be easy ties. But I also can't imagine that Harry is gone any too far.
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