 | | From:  pkdLin (Original Message) | Sent: 12/7/2008 2:44 PM |
My surgery is scheduled for January 7th but will be admitted day prior for cardiac cath.. Met with the cardiologist and surgeon last week Thurs.. It will be a tradiitonal open surgery with six to eight hrs. on machines plus the time the surgery will take. Will be in hospital for at least five days if no problems. After release will have at least two months of healing, and no driving. I'm not looking forward to going to dialysis in the county van :( and not being able to do grocery shopping and errands ect... Right now I'm not too scared because it's not real to me yet really; the day I"m there and it is will shake and try to run I"m sure because that's the way I deal with things usually. I don't have too many pains just the usual angina now and then, but I'm increasingly tiried. At this point if I feel like I need a rest don't fight it, can't really do that. I used to think that pkd and dialysis was the hardest thing I would have to deal with but alas it's not. One more speed bump in the road of life! I"m hoping I have enough energy to at least make a few batches of Christmas cookies and such as it just would not be Christmas without that. I don't like the commercialism of Christmas and all the fuss about gifts and such; my favorite thing is to be thankful for what Christmas is and stands for. I wish you all a merry and thankful holiday surrounded by loved ones. Make many happy memories to cherish in years to come. For those who have lost loved ones let your memories take you back to Christmases past! Lin |
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 | | From: Hans | Sent: 12/7/2008 4:40 PM |
Hi Lin, First of all I want to wish you good luck and a speedy recovery after your surgery. For now please listen to your body and rest when you need to. You can always make Christmas cookies for Easter  . My late mother in law did make "oliebollen" in the summer whereas we are only supposed to eat those at New Year's eve. PKD doesn't seem to come alone, our body is affected in many ways. We have a lot to deal with and somehow we can, although it is sometimes very difficult. I'm glad that you are not nervous yet so that it cost no energy at the moment. Wish you the best. Hans |
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Lin, I wish I could be there with you and I feel so helpless because you are so dear to me. then too, I know how strong you are and I know you will find a way to get through this and be better after. talk to your social worker about transportation to and from dialysis if you need. tough as you are, you don't need to be driving till you are all better. |
 | | From:  pkdLin | Sent: 12/7/2008 5:43 PM |
Oh Hans, I all but forgot how those little donut holes tasted, yum! Don't worry I'm pampering myself these days. Although we knew there was a problem for years it finally feels good to know the fatigue has a basis in fact. Helen, Oh yes, I fully intend to take advantage of whatever is available to me; I"m getting quite resourceful in my old age. You are dear to me also and now especially I'm thinking of you, and when I do I feel blessed to have such sweet friends. I"m stocking up on groceries and other supplies; feel like a sqrirrel sometimes lol LIn |
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Lin, Sending you all my strength and prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery. You are so strong. I have no doubt that you will navigate this particular speed bump with more ease than you expect. Come Jan. 7th, know that you have a whole cyber family pulling for you. Much love, Maggie |
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Hi Lin, I went through traditional CABG in 94. I was in hospital 7 days and for the next week they wanted me close in case of problems. Through my ex-wife's connections, I was able to stay in a dorm affiliated with the hospital, complete with a shuttle to take me to rehab. Also had visiting nurse come in every day - good idea. Something the docs don't tell you but more than half of us zipper chests experienced hallucinations from the powerful painkillers - not a sign of any problem and they go away eventually. The prohibition on driving is partly to give the chest cut time to heal and partly because of the mental aftereffects of the meds and the surgery. There are also bans on other activities which involve arms or chest. (eg no swimming, no bicycle riding(probably excessive) . Fresh out of the hospital, I got milk in quarts rather than half gallons because it hurt. Many grocery stores will deliver,some you can order of web. There is a moribund heart email group [email protected]. It has been very helpful to me; but one post a month nowdays. If you're interested, I can find out how to join. A newbie will stir up all of us old timers to tell war stories(and provide useful information). Please contact me if I can provide more info. Pat |
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Hi Lin, I went through traditional CABG in 94. I was in hospital 7 days and for the next week they wanted me close in case of problems. Through my ex-wife's connections, I was able to stay in a dorm affiliated with the hospital, complete with a shuttle to take me to rehab. Also had visiting nurse come in every day - good idea. Something the docs don't tell you but more than half of us zipper chests experienced hallucinations from the powerful painkillers - not a sign of any problem and they go away eventually. The prohibition on driving is partly to give the chest cut time to heal and partly because of the mental aftereffects of the meds and the surgery. There are also bans on other activities which involve arms or chest. (eg no swimming, no bicycle riding(probably excessive) . Fresh out of the hospital, I got milk in quarts rather than half gallons because it hurt. Many grocery stores will deliver,some you can order of web. There is a moribund heart email group [email protected]. It has been very helpful to me; but one post a month nowdays. If you're interested, I can find out how to join. A newbie will stir up all of us old timers to tell war stories(and provide useful information). Please contact me if I can provide more info. Pat |
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Dearest LIn, You KNOW I will be thinking of you and praying for you all through this holiday season. Hugs, Erin |
 | | From:  Gena739 | Sent: 12/8/2008 1:17 AM |
Lin.. You are in my Thoughts and Prayers ! Hang in there you will do just fine! And ..if you're like me.. which im sure you are..full of energy and pep ,willing to drive to and fro dialysis.. it is time to take it easy (although , me myself and I hate it when people tell me that) but it makes sense, after you recover you can pick up where you left off.. time heals all wounds! God Bless! Love Gena  |
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