 | | From:  squirrelgril (Original Message) | Sent: 12/7/2008 5:30 PM |
As I mentioned before I had my transplant consultation along with numerous tests. Including a stress test on my heart. After the stress test the techs were looking at my results and talking among themselves. I asked if something was wrong. they said that a cardiologist needed to look at my results before I could leave. My gut told me something wasn't right. The next day I talked with the head transplant RN and she told me they had found an abnormality in my left ventricle. My heart wasn't pumping blood like it should be. She said it could be 'just the way I am' or it could be something more serious. I had echo cardiograms in the past that indicated the same thing but I had never had a stress test to look into it before.
In order to be cleared for a transplant I need to have an angiogram. Which means I have to have the contrast dye, which we all know is bad for people with low kidney function. The thought of having an angiogram frightens me! The thought of having an angiogram and then my kidneys failing afterwards frightens me even more! The nurse told me that they do many of these tests on people with low function and it's rare that anyone goes into failure afterwards. This doesn't make me feel any better.
If they do find anything wrong with my heart, then it's likely I will have to stay in the hospital and have this repaired first.
I wanted to put this procedure off until possibly the summer, but the cardiologist came back and told me that I can't wait. It could be something serious. After I heard that I felt lightheaded like I was going to pass out.
I really, really just want all of this to go away. I don't want to have heart problems and kidney problems... I'd rather just stick to the GERD and occasional PPMS thank you very much!
Pauline the whiny one |
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 | | From:  pkdLin | Sent: 12/7/2008 5:46 PM |
Hi Pauline, Whiney because you are concerned? Forget about that! I'm having the cardiac cath. and so the same things apply. I'm on dialysis but still have some residual function so I have a concern too. I voiced it to the card. doing the test and he said they will cut the amount to the smallest dose plus he gave me a script for something called Muco mist which will help protect my kidneys. The heart surgery could harm my kidneys too so we'll see how that goes. Ask y our doctor about your concerns and see what they can do for you. Lin |
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Pauline, as you are finding out, getting a transplant is not as easy as going to the hospital and laying on the O.R. table. they put you through all kinds of tests to know you are a good candidate. they also want to know that once given a transplant you will take good care of it. the ventricle thing may be just the way you are but the team sure doesn't want anything to happen during the surgery. be sure to keep us informed. |
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whiny because I'm scared.
PK |
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Hi Pauline, There is a (more expensive) dye which is less stressful for the kidneys. When I went through this, it was called low molarity -- *insist* on it. Pat |
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Thanks Pat, this is good to know!
Pauline |
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Dear Pauline, I had a similar happening when I had my cardiac stress test a few years ago. Of course, being the cruddy hospital I go to no one was worried about the dye. Anyhow, everything was fine. It was just "how I am." I know its easy for me to say not to worry, and boy, do I understand wanting all of this to just go away. But maybe, just maybe, we are blessed in a special way. The Good Lord picked us to carry this burden because not only did He know we were capable of it, but also so we could show others the way. I will be thinking of you. Erin |
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