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This is to let all the folks in last night's chat that I had the test. Brian, I held tight to that penny and felt the love and support of all of you. When I got to the office I must have worked myself up into a real tizzy  as my BP (which has been great lately) was sky high. She left me on the table telling me to think of peaceful thoughts. She returned about half hour later and ask what I had been thinking of.......warm sandy beaches. I live in Massachusetts and this has been one miserable winter.  They went to put up the IV and blew my vain again......another stick. I just started rubbing that penny and somehow I got through the test. After it was over the tech told me she had been doing these for over 24 years and she knew I was nervous but she said the test looked good and I should relax.  Brenda |
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Hey Brenda,  Been thinking of you and that penny all day. Happy you made it through your testing today. Now, on to the next step, keep that penny real close.  Sue |
 | | From: Bridget | Sent: 2/12/2004 5:04 AM |
Brenda, gotta love those pennies from HEAVEN! HUGS, B* |
 | | From: ocbear | Sent: 8/19/2007 1:53 PM |
Did anyone ever have the stress test that you don't have to go on a treadmill? I had one where they had me lay down then they hooked me up to all the equipment and then injected me with something to make my heart "work" as if I were on a treadmill. Little by little they increased whatever they were injecting and my heart was working as if I were running. The only physical thing they had me do was move my legs. It was the weirdest test I ever had. I couldn't believe how out of breath I got. It as if I were really running. When I asked why I didn't do the treadmill, they said the doctor usually orders this kind of test when they feel the patient is not in good enough shape to last on the treadmill. I was very surprised. I know I'm out of shape, but that not much!! |
I had that about a year ago. The second they injected me, I thought my hand had been dipped in liquid nitrogen. My hand was so cold I thought it was going to fall off. Then they injected something to counteract it and everything went back to normal within seconds. I agree about how bizarre it was!
David |
 | | From: chip | Sent: 8/19/2007 9:24 PM |
Hey Dave: Just wondered about the test you had...because there are two different chemical tests not including tread-mills...one is called Dobutamine Echocardiogram...where they slowly inject to increase the heart rate...and the other..who's name I don't remember..is where they put you in a machine and take a series of pictures and then inject a very fast acting chemical that hits you like a ton of bricks..after you make it through that they then take another series of pictures...I've had both...one is OK..the other..unless completely necessary I won't have again... Chip G |
 | | From: ocbear | Sent: 8/20/2007 1:41 PM |
Hey Dave: Just wondered about the test you had...because there are two different chemical tests not including tread-mills...one is called Dobutamine Echocardiogram...where they slowly inject to increase the heart rate...and the other..who's name I don't remember..is where they put you in a machine and take a series of pictures and then inject a very fast acting chemical that hits you like a ton of bricks..after you make it through that they then take another series of pictures...I've had both...one is OK..the other..unless completely necessary I won't have again... Chip G |
Hey Chip,Pretty sure it was the second one. I remember the two sets of pictures. Wasn't painful, but not pleasant either. |
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