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Hi all....am newly diagnosed with PKD....am a retired dialysis tech with 20+ yrs. experience...found out I had PKD when I went in for a abdominal ct to rule out gall stones...which of course I did NOT have....wish I'd not had the CT...I'm a rather wouldn't want to know type person....worry wart....told to "live my life....blah blah blah"....nothing with my labs...health indicative of any renal problems...no history in the family so it was kinda a shock...getting used to it...am finding this group very informative...Cheryl |
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Hi Cheryl and welcome. I too have PKD with no prior family history. I know the diagnosis is quite a shock, and while you wish you'd never been told, you need to know so that you can take the necessary steps to take care of yourself. You need to watch your B/P, diet, lab results etc. As a dialysis tech you may already know all of that. This is a great board with much information, and loving support. I don't think there is one of us that wasn't upset when first told they had PKD. Even those that have a family history of it. Please don't hesitate to bring your fears, questions, gripes or what ever to the board. You will find that we are here for you, and hopefully, over time, after you have had a chance to digest this diagnosis you will begin to feel a bit more in control of your life. I was diagnosed 26 yrs. ago, and at that time I thought it was all over for me, but here I am. If you've been reading much on the boards then you know that we have the whole gamut here. From the newly diagnosed, to people that have had PKD for years, to people on dialysis, to people getting a transplant and even those that are post-transplant. You have joined the very best support group out there! Hope to hear lots more from you. Maggie |
 | | From:  pkdLin | Sent: 9/22/2008 12:33 PM |
Welcome! My name is Lin and my father had pkd also, but there is no history of it in his family. His parents were both older when they passed away, and my aunts are still alive, one in seventies and the other in eighties with no kidney problems. My oldest has pkd, but younger son does not have pkd.. I'm glad you found this site. Aside from useful information we share things like fun, and yes sometimes things that aren't so much fun, but it helps us feel so not alone. Lin. |
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"live your live" is good advice. "live your life wisely" would be even better advice. the first thing to do is understand PKD is NOT a death sentence. it doesn't have to lead to kidney failure either and the better you deal with your overall health, the better your kidney longevity will be. I will tell everyone, PKD or not, to follow a healthy, well balanced diet, avoiding excess salt, sugar and fats, don't smoke, drink in moderation or not at all, exercise, keep blood pressure under control, drink plenty of water, go easy on caffeinated beverages. I hope you find a home with us here and we hear from you a lot in the future. |
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thanks so much for your kind words...like I said having been a dialysis tech for so long...in the past I have been the one counseling patients to watch sodium,keep BP under control, watch what you eat...what to watch etc....if anything I know too much....I'm almost 51 yrs. old and have been plugging away this long...its comforting to know I'm not alone. I wish I could find a link in my family...but I guess I am that rare mutation. The nephrologist told me had I not had the CT scan I'd have probably gone to my grave a very old woman with no one the wiser....like I said labs are still normal...GFR is great....I guess it is better to be prepared though....thanks again everyone have a good day Cheryl |
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Welcome Cheryl! You couldn't have picked a better group to join. It is very supportive and informative. Erin |
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Cheryl, So glad to have you join the group. You couldnt have found a better, more loving, and supporting group then this one. We are your home away from home, hehe. The combined knowledge on this board is truly overwhelming. The fact that you were a tech for so long gives you some great insight also. Go with what your neph said and dont dwell on what could or might be....You are over 50 and still have great function so get out there and enjoy life. And please keep us informed how you are doing. Who knows, maybe someone will ask a dialysis question that you alone can answer. That is how we support each other. Best wishes, Dianne |
 | | From:  Liz_d44 | Sent: 11/4/2008 2:49 PM |
Welcome Cheryl. This is a great group! I too have no family history of PKD. I was diagnosed due to pain about 18 years ago and at that time had about 50% kidney function. I just started dialysis at home with the NxStage machine last month. I am 64. I am sure you are aware that because you have PKD, any child you have has a 50% chance of having the disease. Because of insurance issues, many do not wish to have children tested, but instead watch their blood pressures and stress healthy habits (which we all should do anyway.) Liz |
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