Hello Everyone! I was a member a few years ago but then life just got away from me and got very busy. I was under the name "FruitfulRis" for anyone who has been here a while. My name is Charissa. I was diagnosed with PKD when I was 16 due to pain in my sides. No one in my family has PKD and through genetic testing we found I have a genetic mutation on chromosome 4.
I am now 22, married for almost a year and finishing my last semester for my Bachelor's in Psychology. I live in Western New York and we have our first snow on the ground. I have not been working for the past 5 weeks because my pain has increased and the new medicines the doctors have me on do not allow me to drive. I work at a crisis hotline so I cannot work while I am taking my medicine but if I don't take my meds it is hard to get out bed.
It is so great to be back in the group again and seeing and feeling all the love and support everyone give and gets. This community is such a blessing!
Charissa : )