The dirty little secret about drilling in the ANWR is that nothing lives
there. It's an ice and snow desert for 3/4's of the year and when the snow
does melt, all that's around is pools of water that breed huge mosquitoes, lots
of tundra and lichen-like moss, and square miles of pulverized gravel.
Even Polar Bears don't stay around there very long because of the scarcity of
food. Only humans would be stupid to go to the Godforsaken place to drill
for oil.
(Note to the Sierra Club: all of those nice, pristine pictures of green
forests, lakes, and herds of critters DO NOT exist in the ANWR where drilling is
proposed. In relation to the total size of the ANWR, it amounts to a
2x2-inch square placed in the middle of a football field (including the
sidelines). Those critters and scenery exist 600 miles to the south.
The Environmentalists are a bunch of bloody liars -- and that is the least of
their faults.)