I sure miss my M1. She's back in dear ole Canada, safely tucked away secure in a gun-locker on the prairies.
My Dad got her for me when I was 17. From Wilke at OGT Metachewan, Ontario for around $300. It was either Christmas or my birthday, but I think it was Christmas. before the days of FACs and PALs, regulations, permits and all that SHIT (thats exactly what it is too).
Anyways, the M1 is a Springfiled Armory serial number 4115XX, made in Dec 1941! Odds are it was after the 7th. However still an amazing month and year to be made, and for me anyways, adds to it's value. As you can see in the pic, overall its in great shape. All original, genuine GI, no rewelds etc. It must have been surplused from a US sponsored nation, as most of teh Wilkie stuff was out of Israel and the UK. So who knows.
I have the following accessories:
- both types of bayonets
- 7.62mm conversion kit
- web sling
- original leather sling
- combo tool and oiler
- manual (TM)
- rear sight mirror (for trg)
- grenade launcher
- plus some other small items like an OD cloth muzzle cover
I had the chance to heat it up in 2000, but in the past 5 yrs she has sat. Oiled, clean, and ready for the next time. I did manage to play and cradle her in July 2004
. However the best time was back in the fall of 1994 when MS, me and another good friend were at John Hipwell's www.wolverinesupplies.com in Virden Manitoba. That was heaps of fun, and lots of .30 ball 'down range'.
This is one rifle, I'll always keep, but since the Australian government does not trust it's own citizens with semi automatic rifles, she'll never 'bark' in Australia.
I sure miss my M1.
That ole M1 led me to buy (from Wilke in 1983) a Winchester M14 unaltered with selector lock in place. Sadly, I sold that when I moved to Australia. It was from Israel and had Israeli markings in paint. I was told that it had been captured from PLO sources, and even found that reference in a paperback book - Ezells Small Arms Today. So it may have had a colourful past. I had both stocks, the wood and fiberglass types, plus again, heaps on accessories.
Enough remembering for today. I have to fly out to brisbane in a few hours.
Cheers to all,