No slight was intended. There are many countries fighting the Muslim terrorists in far-flung parts of the world. They do not receive any acknowlegement in the mainstream media. They deserve our sincerest support and respect for doing a difficult job.
What needs to be understood is that we have our own home-grown terrorists that are here and they want to kill us Infidels. They hate the freedoms that we in the West enjoy and yearn for heady days of the 7th Century when Islam was ascendent and they felt powerful and in control of all things.
There can only be three solutions to the current problem: (1) the Muslim fascists win and they kill all who resist or condemn them to slavery (Dhimmis) through the imposition of Shri'ia Law; (2) Islam undergoes a reformation similar to what happened to Christianity in the West to throw the fascists out and institute a moderate Islam that divorces church from state; or (3) for self-preservation purposes, the West is forced to exterminate Islam from the world. In all three scenarios, the amount of blood spilled will be horrendous. If the Muslim fascists get nuclear, chemical, or biologic weapons and deploy them, no one can say what will happen. These are sobering thoughts. Thoughts that half of America and greater numbers in the EU (and elsewhere) refuse to consider. Denial isn't a river that runs through Egypt, but it produces a paralysis of action that kills many who did not have to die.