The following maps were compiled from 2007 homicide statistics in Baltimore, Maryland, by the Baltimore Sun. The Baltimore Sun is a very anti-gun newspaper and has repleatedly called for more gun control on the citizens of the state and the City of Baltimore. However, the maps show something that the gun-grabbing folks at the paper never intended: the demographics of the crimes and the victims.
Here's how to interpret the colored dots representing the homicides:
1. Blue -- strangulation or choking.
2. Green -- blunt force trauma (beating).
3. Red -- shooting.
4. Black -- stabbing.
5. White -- undetermined.
The 2007 population distribution, Baltimore Metro Area: 2.7million. Whites: 1.853 million. Blacks: 0.847 million.
Map #1 All Homicides in the Baltimore Metro Area, 2007.
Map #2 Homicides involving Blacks in the Baltimore Metro Area, 2007.
Map #3 Homicides involving Whites in the Baltimore Metro Area, 2007.