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CONFERENCE INFO : What's on your wish list for new products?
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMainevilleMommyTo2Girls  (Original Message)Sent: 6/19/2008 4:17 AM
Mini Squares, the size that used to be in the Entertaining set.
Ala carte saucepans!

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 Message 23 of 37 in Discussion 
From: TheresaSent: 6/22/2008 7:30 PM
Since cupcakes have been really popular...some kind of cute "cupcake" stand would be an idea.  So far the nicest one I have seen is by Home Interiors

 Message 24 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheChefLady4JCSent: 6/23/2008 12:10 AM
I was told by a culinary teacher at a show of mine just a few months ago that she really liked our Egg Slicer b/c of its wires were of a thinner gage than most slicers, b/c ours allows for THIN slicing of more softer items such as mushrooms.

 Message 25 of 37 in Discussion 
From: chefsaraSent: 6/23/2008 10:01 PM
I also have had a lot of people ask about when they are bringing the coffee back.  I also have a request for the Good Company Tea and someone suggested a small meat fork.  I would like to see a small lid for the saute pan.  The pan is great for 1 person especially if you want to simmer a chicken breast or 1 hamburger.  But it needs a lid.  I use a saucer for now.

 Message 26 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChefMonica1Sent: 6/23/2008 10:28 PM
I use a lid from one of my executive saucepans (not sure which size). I think it is the 4 qt. stockpot. Then I use the lid from the 8 qt. stockpot for my 10" saute pan. They work great!


 Message 27 of 37 in Discussion 
From: NickiSent: 6/24/2008 6:08 AM
Regular size Deluxe Muffin Pan. A customer wanted something like this. These were her words: "I want a pop-over large muffin pan. Nobody has these anymore"
Replacement Bowls for the Prep Bowls, not just the lids. I broke one, now my set is incomplete. I don't want to spend $20 for another set.  A customer bought another set because the same thing happed to her. Is good for my sales but I could feel her pain.
And I agree with a previous post no more cranberry. It is a beautiful color but it will be nice to have a different color. Olive green or dark orange or pumpkish color... I don't know, lol!

 Message 28 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepamperedchefjill3Sent: 6/30/2008 3:22 AM
I think they should have cream and sugar dishes that are either like SA or SS like the carafe. I already made my suggestion to HO, so we'll see!

 Message 29 of 37 in Discussion 
From: KitchenSmellzSmokeySent: 7/1/2008 5:35 AM
Does anyone know how soon after the conference starts that they'll let someone post pics of the new products? Do we have to wait until all three sessions are over? I don't if I can wait that long. I may pass out!

 Message 30 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSandi4tpcSent: 7/1/2008 1:07 PM
Well, usually as soon as wave 3 is over [or in the general assembly/session]. I know that I'm wave 3 and I'm taking my camera.

 Message 31 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCara56Sent: 7/1/2008 5:11 PM
I would love to see a spice rack specifically for PC spices.  Buy 8 spices and get the spice rack for half price!

 Message 32 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChefTiffanySent: 7/3/2008 4:55 AM
How about a Pie slicer. you know something that can slice a pie evenly.  I attached a pic.
I agree with the egg slicer thing,  I have been saying that for years. 
 pie slicer.jpg  

 Message 33 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDarkstar0757Sent: 7/3/2008 12:03 PM
Last time I went to conference, I suggested a chillzanne butter dish & creamer - think my dad or mom had the idea.  Makes sense to me - need to keep the butter for your corn from melting & keep the cream/milk from going sour when you're having /spring summer picnics.  I don't drink coffee but I'd love to see the butter dish idea come to life!

 Message 34 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJanestribe2Sent: 7/4/2008 1:08 AM
I think just a butter dish would be nice. A nice looking one that you'd be happy to set out.
but a chillzanne one, now theres an idea!!

 Message 35 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameletmepamperu213Sent: 7/5/2008 3:58 AM
I would like to see them come out with different color options for the simple additions.  Longaberger has several different color options for their plates and dinnerware that it would be nice to have something to compete.  I have so many people that would love to see the simple addtions in a cream color instead of the white as well.  Plus I would love to see lids come out for the simple additions.
I think it would also be fun if there was accessory packs for the following items so that people could expand with their product:
Ultimate mandolin (more blades for various slicing)
Easy Accent Decorator (more tips for more creativity)
Decorator Bottles (more tips )
A second larger food chopper for people who want to massive food chopping but still want the ease of the food chopper.
Definitely a cookbook holder,napkin holder, paper towel holder.
More cookbooks with family friendly recipes and budget wise recipes.
1 cup measure all cup
Pineapple corer
Wow!  I didn't realize how many new things I had on my mind...  : )

 Message 36 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChef_DarcySent: 7/5/2008 11:15 AM
I like the "accessory" idea, but doubt we will see that for the decorator bottles as all the Wilton tips will fit our bottles....
You can get them at Walmart, Jo-Ann Fabrice, AC Moore, Michael's, etc.  They are really cheap to buy single tips....

 Message 37 of 37 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameheathertpc224Sent: 7/6/2008 5:09 AM
Wow! love your ideas! esp. the cream colored SA, the larger food chopper, and the accessory kits!!

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