Here you'll find links to all the things you wanted to know about the board but didn't know how to ask.
Rules & Guidelines: Be sure to read this page FIRST!
All members please read and sign: Then sign here! This lets us know that you agree to our rules & guidelines and especially the no email/PWS posting rules.
Introductions: Then hop on over to our Introductions board and say hello! We're thrilled you're here!
ConsultantLocator: When you're done introducing yourself, let us know WHERE you're located. Who knows, maybe you can meet up with some other WLPCtoo members that are nearby!! How cool is that?!!
WLPCToo Birthdays : Let's all CELEBRATE your birthday together & share the day you were born on.
(Inputting of year born in isn't necessary, just the month & day is fine!! LOL)
How to class 101: This is a list of how to do different things...upload a document, how to contact MSN with a problem, how to hyperlink in a conversation... This link is always located on the left side bar.
hot topics!!: Here's where you'll find some past discussions that were too good to miss!
glossary for WLPCtoo: Not sure what we're talking about? See an acronym that doesn't make sense? HTH (Hope That/This Helps)!
WLPCtoo on Yahoo!: This is our sister site on Yahoo. Primarily used to store documents that are too large to upload here on MSN where we chat.
Got questions? We've got answers!
Click the floating question marks above for a list of frequently asked "newbie" questions/posts. Just for quick reference. Don't be afraid to ask any question! That's why we're all here. There are no stuid questions here. You are among friends and will NEVER be critcized for asking! We're all here to learn!