 | (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 54 in Discussion |
Hey everybody I need your help!! I'm wanting to compile a list of our WLPCtoo Board abbreviations, whether it be just email shortcuts, like... WLPCtoo (easy one I know... We Love Pampered Chef too!!) KWIM (Know What I Mean) IYKWIM (If You Know What I Mean) TIA (Thanks In Advance) B4 (before) &/OR PC abbreviations like... PC (Pampered Chef) HO (Home Office) FC (Food Chopper) USG (Ultimate Slice & Grate) SA (Simple Additions) Things like that. After we've got a pretty good list going I'm wanting to add this thread to the HOT Topics! links so any newbies to the board can get up to speed in a flash. So got anymore to throw on this list?? KWIM? TIA!! C ya, Marian |
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Ok, adding more to the list... Email terms: HTH (Hope That/This Helps) DH (Dear Husband/Hubby) DS (Dear Son) DD (Dear Daughter) SIL (Sister In Law) FIL (Father In Law) MIL (Mother In Law) PC terms: APCS (Apple Peeler Corer Slicer) TTA (Tool Turn About) QSP (Quick Stir Pitcher) SECO (Smooth Edge Can Opener) I know there's more!! Marian |
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just saw BTW, ( by the way ) Flora |
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How about an easy one: HWC ( help whip cancer ) Flora |
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how about ISO (in search of) I have seen this one alot on here Flora |
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PC ones:
KCN - Kitchen Consultant News CC- Consultants Corner PWS - Personal Website
Those three took me forever to figure out!! LOL |
 | | From:  jlm1970 | Sent: 5/4/2005 3:42 AM |
This was from the old board TIA and HTH: Thanks in Advance and Hope This Helps! MSN: MicroSoft Network HO: Home Office PC: Pampered Chef (unless the thread's about a personal computer) TPC: THE Pampered Chef -Kitchen Consultants and Products- APCS: Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer Big MAC: Morning After Calls (Follow-up with Show Guests and Potential Hosts) CBG: CC: Consultants Corner (Resource pages at PC.com accessible once KC number/password issued by email or snail mail) CCC: Customer Care Calls CS: Catalog Show EAD: Easy Accent Decorator Express: Quick & Easy Demo for Workplace Lunch/Afterhours Show or Social Gathering FC: GS: Guest Special HWC: Help Whip Cancer I-Slice: (Tool with non-sharp ceramic blade that works well as a coupon clipper and safety cutter for kids) ISO: in search of KC: (Independent) Kitchen Consultant for The Pampered Chef KCN: Kitchen Consultant News (available in PDF at CC) KITK: Kids in the Kitchen (PC Cookbook-discontinued) KS: Kitchen Show MH: Mystery Host MSG: Monosodium glutamate (PC seasonings are MSG-free) OOBC: Out of Box Calls (Checking back with customer to ask if they've taken new products out of the box and used them yet) OOF: Outside Order Form (for the Host to use outside of the show) P&P: "Policies and Procedures" section in RFS PB: Pampered Bride PP: Pampered Partner (Super Starter Kit software for submitting orders) PWS: Personal Web Site RFS: Recipe for Success (Super Starter Kit Guide) SA: Simple Additions SDS: SS1, SS2, SS3: Super Starter (Kit/Month #) TTA: Tool Turn About U&CC: Use & Care Card USG: Ultimate Slice & Grate -General- AFAIK: As Far As I Know ASAP: As Soon As Possible |
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How about.... IOW - in other words IMO - in my opinion Jodi |
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Speaking of opinions.... JMHO (Just My Humble Opinion) |
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Oh ya & then there's .... OT (Off Topic) |
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Just to let you all know I've gone ahead & added a HOT Topic! link to this thread, ok?? Thanks for all your wonderful contributions. If we've left anything out, please feel free to add to it.... this is an ongoing list!! Marian |
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bUmPiNg up our WLPCtoo Tutorial/Glossary of Terms/Abbreviations for all the newbies on our board. Hey, & if you've got anything else to add, then by all means ADD IT!!! Thanks, Marian |
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Here comes another bUmP up for this thread for all the newbies once again. Marian aka: ModMarian |
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Just doin' the for all our newbies on the board!! Marian (aka: ModMarian) |
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Btw, I found this thread to "bUmP iT uP" b/c it's located over on our HOT TOPICS!! page which is located over on the left hand side Navitional Tool Bar. <<<<------------------------. I went to the link for this thread & then hit reply & put in a "bump" message to get this back up to the top of the board in recent messages..... Hope that explains another one of our WLPCtoo'isms that we use over here to our newbie members & in so doing I've added yet ANOTHER TERM to our WLPCtoo GLOSSARY!  If we've left anything out or you'd like for one of us to explain one/several of our abbreviations that we oftentime use here on the board, feel free to ask here on THIS thread so that it can be kept here for easy access for future newbies to come! HTH, Marian |
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ok...... in message #7 here..... there's a couple of explanations missing.... FC= Food Chopper.... but what is...... CBG? or SDS? Here's one that I ran across on another board I'm on..... GBU= God Bless You ~Suzie |