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CONFERENCE INFO : Need info ASAP - blue line El from O'hare
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From: MSN NicknameDarkstar0757  (Original Message)Sent: 7/12/2008 4:50 PM
Has anyone from Conf. 1 taken this?  I just need to confirm what is going on - seems most of my cluster mates are flying into O'Hare & wanted to know if this is a big hassle or not.  It probably wouldn't bug me, I'm travelling light & I'm going into Midway anyway.  They saw a bunch of transfers on the cta trip planner & most decided it was too much hassle (wimps, lol) but a couple may try it anyway.  We are leaving tomorrow, so if anyone can update me on what's up with the construction I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks!

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     re: Need info ASAP - blue line El from O'hare   MSN Nicknamemerf66  7/14/2008 1:31 AM
     re: Need info ASAP - blue line El from O'hare   MSN Nicknamechicksrace2  7/14/2008 12:09 PM