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CONFERENCE INFO : Attachments question...
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From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelle  (Original Message)Sent: 7/21/2008 4:29 AM
The question has come up about how long we have to post conference info in attachment form.  Just a quick note to let everyone know that the Attachments Only rule will be in effect UNTIL CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE ON CONSULTANT'S CORNER.  I hope this clears up any questions. 
Once again, the attachments only rule is a WLPCtoo rule that we put into place to help out those who did not wish to be "spoiled" before their cluster meetings.
However, once it's on CC, everyone has equal opportunity to see it and that in our opinion makes everything fair game to be discussed! 
So if you're still wanting to be surprised after the info is posted to CC and your meeting hasn't taken place, we strongly encourage you to make sure your group settings are not on digest and you just steer clear of any topics that may appear to have conference info in them. 
Thanks! And hope that clears up any confusion!
The ModSquad
p.s. As of today there is nothing on CC yet.  Anyone have an idea of when that info is going to be released? 

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     re: Attachments question...   MSN NicknameTheChefLady4JC  7/21/2008 7:32 AM