Ok, not that I'm trying to rain on our parade of new products, but I just couldn't help but say "What were they thinking"

..... when they came up with the beaded servers/spreaders? I don't know about you, but these just ain't my cup of tea!! I know I know, I can hear alot of you saying right now, "what do you mean, Marian? I LOVE 'em!! YOU'RE the cRaZy one!!" Ok, so it's just me....or is it? LOL
We all have a "right" to our opinions, & well, you've just heard my -2¢ worth!! LOL
So anyone else gotta "What were they thinking?" opinion on the new products?
I just thought we could have some fun with this & perhaps even try to "sell" each other on those products that we just can't possibly see selling ourselves.
So let's hear it from all of you!!
PS I can't help but get the image of Luigi from "Cars" the movie, saying "Look at me! Here I am! LUV me!!" LOL