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CONFERENCE INFO : Merrill-not impressed!
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 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSandi4tpc  in response to Message 7Sent: 7/22/2008 9:56 AM
I got to the Merrill booth almost right after I got my packet on day 1. I snatched up some non-clothing items: pink diaper bag, cosmetic/travel bag, license plate frame, purse hook. I got a set of free maracas with my order.
On the HO tour bus, a girl in front of me noticed my mirror was cracked in the cosmetic bag. So when we got back from the tour, I went back and since I had to wait in line again, I got more. I grabbed what looked like the last cosmetic bag, a Making Strides tshirt, host envelopes, a tshirt for my son [that is actually WAY big but better big than small]. I think I got something else but I can't remember what. I know that I didn't get anymore clothes for me.  I'm, ahem, large chested and to fit one part  I needed big and then sleeves that should be short were too long and things looked sloppy. I don't care for long sleeves because I'm usually hot. It seemed to me like there were lots of long sleeve styles of shirts. Then ones that I might have gotten, I just still didn't like the idea of spending over $25-35 on one shirt. Well, it was easy to take care of my exchange and I got another set of free maracas. I gave them to my kids!
Some registers were giving out free lip balm but I liked the maracas better. I did ship most of my stuff home with my surprise boxes and they beat me home.  : )