 | | From:  PCBombChelle (Original Message) | Sent: 12/20/2008 8:16 PM |
I just got a call from Marla! It was a pre-recorded Happy Holiday's message. But I didn't answer the phone! I was putting my son down for a nap. Good thing I have an answering machine! Anyone else get a call? How fun! Michelle |
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I got mine, I thought it was great!! Ginger |
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I got one too, when my hubby and I listened to the message he keep saying and what are they going to give us for free, he was just joking though don't think we didn't appreciate it, we thought that was really very nice of them to do. Renae  |
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I received the call while I was out making deliveries. I enjoyed listening to the message. |
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Me, me, me...I did I did, too!! Thought it was cool, too! |
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Not only did I receive the phone call from Marla, I received a PERSONAL phone call from a PC rep to tell me Happy Birthday. My birthday was the 28th (Sunday) so I received the call on Friday. My husband said something jokingly sarcastic about it and I asked him if his boss had EVER in 15 years called him to tell him Happy Birthday and he said NO, he doesn't even know when my birthday is! |
 | | From: NMPCRep | Sent: 12/30/2008 11:33 PM |
Nope. Never, Ever got that Call here. Not one call during the Entire Holiday Season! |
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I didn't ge a call!  I was beginning to think I was the ONLY one that didn't!!! |
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What a bummer! I wonder why not? Did everyone who got one have a recruit this year? Those of you who didn't do you have an answering machine? Were you active in December? I'm curious! I'm so sorry you didn't get one. Michelle |
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I didn't have a recruit, so that couldn't be the crietria (sp)??? I feel bad for those that didn't too, I know I would feel left out if I hadn't got one  Renae |
 | | From: NMPCRep | Sent: 1/3/2009 4:46 AM |
Sorry, I don't have any recruits. I have triewd to recruit, but I think there are too many people here in my area doing this. It causes a Glut and also, I recieve Complaints every time I try to Recruit, that the cost is too high. |
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I don't think you should ever be sorry you haven't recruited! I recruited my first this year and March will be my 5 year anniversary. She qualified but is now inactive and not coming back.  Recruiting isn't easy. Thank goodness it isn't a reqirement of this wonderful company we all love! Michelle |
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I have one recruit that I recruited in 2007. She had been inactive for a few months, but she reactivated in December. I don't feel that I had to try too hard to recruit her because she had already said she wanted to join when I joined, it was just a matter of when for her. I do have an answering machine. I don't know why I didn't receive a phone call.  Unless I DID receive a phone call when someone else (my number 4 son) was home and I didn't get the message!!! |
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I didn't get a phone call....I was home most of the time too. I have an answering machine though too. And I recruited in November. But she's still working on her first shows to become active and I live in Japan...maybe they put a note in my file saying not to call. |
 | | From: skemble | Sent: 1/4/2009 1:07 PM |
I did not have a recruit and did recieve the phone call... but my husband answered it so I did not even get to hear it. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. |