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Hey I am trying to clean up my office, it looks like a bomb went off in here, so anyways, I am trying to decide if I should keep me consultants news's for future reference or inspiration at a later date, what do some of you do? and any tips on how you stay organized would be much appreciated. Thanks Renae |
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 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/10/2009 5:16 PM |
I read my CN when I first get it and tear out the specials and incentives rules, then I recycle it. You can always go back on line and read past issues. I do keep my Special Edition Consultant news. |
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If there is an article I really like or want to remember, I tear it out and file it under 'Recruting', 'Theme Shows' or whatever and toss the rest after a couple of months. Sandi |
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At the risk of sounding like a pack-rat, I keep all my consultant news in a special binder just for them. I also have a binder that I have sectioned up by host/guest specials, recruiting specials, recipes, home for the holidays.
Somewhere along the way, I received an email about organizing your office in a day and in this email it talks about an "office in a box" which is several binders to keep info organized. I'll email it to the original poster of this thread, and because it's quite lengthy, if anyone else wants a copy, I'll be happy to email it to you as well. My email should be in my profile. |
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There was an awesome workshop at conference a few years back that dealt with organization. She suggested a place for everything, binders for consultant news sepearted by months, keep them for a year then toss when you get the new one. (She suggested keeping them for reference for guest and host specials) She also suggested setting aside one day to clean out your office. I did this and it was an awesome feeling when I was done. But I need to do it again! |
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I would love a copy of this file, as I'm really struggling with the organization thing....but I didn't see your email in your profile. Are you able to upload the document to this group? just wondering. |
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Proudchefmom5, I emailed you the article. I have no idea how to upload files, so for me, it's easier to email! I hope you get some good ideas that you're able to use. |
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Binders are my friend. I have one for each year with the consultant news for each month in them. I buy binders from staples when they go on clearance. I even purchased those plastic sleeves and put all my stickers and not pads and buttons in them and put them in a binder. Easy to grab when needed I know when I am low on what stickers. Fits great on my book shelf. Tonya tophatstyle Tri-Cities WA |
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Thank you!! I've been looking for that binder system with specifics!!! Michelle |
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Thanks for attaching those documents. The 'get your business organized in a day' is what I spoke of in my first post.
There is so much good info in both those documents. TAKE ACTION!!!! And in light of the new program of turning in $150 a month, that's really just ONE show a month. Catalog or cooking, either way to turn in a show it has to be at least $150. That seems completely do-able. So let's get out there and sell our hearts out! |
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