 | | From: pcgogetter (Original Message) | Sent: 6/8/2006 2:29 PM |
Wonderful Wonderful products and the next network marketing for the new millionaires! Let me know if youwould like further information! Thanks, Michelle |
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Within a year I will be making $6600+ a month!! Yes A Month!!!!!! PLUS I will be paid $800 to drive a new Mercedes Benz. Ask me more. |
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What percent do you make off your sales? |
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I don't know I never could get my business started. So if you do want to start it call me I have 6 kits to sell ya! They are expective but I will sell them at a large discount to get rid of them!  |
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I am still thinking about. I will let you know.Thanks |
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Is there a web site I can look at? TIA, Marilyn in GA |
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I will tell ya I LOVE Arbonne, but I think it's really hard to get people to try something new if they are happy with what they are using.
I was not, so I was easy to sway! |
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the base commission is 35%, but depending on how much you spend and then use the purchase with a purchase incentive in the end you could be saving 48%. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> It all depends about the size of the show/order.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> As far as placing an show order, everything is done online. no Pampered partner type program. So if it is the end of the month, the server might freeze on you, and you could lose your order, or only partially submitted.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> The wait time to call in is MUCH worse than HO. I've waited as long as 1 hour, before being hung up on, just to call back and be put on hold another hour. There is no call back feature, and if you do get that option they will call back around 9 - 10 pm, from an unknown number, and when you look at your phone and see it is past 9 pm, your first thought is "bill collector" not Arbonne returning my call...<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Lastly the products boasts to do "wonders" and really you are wondering should I spend $50 on eye cream, when there are other direct sales companies out there selling comparable products for a much less sticker price. Don't be fooled about the claim of natural ingredients, or organic ingredients, because they also use man-made chemicals as well, so they are not 100% organic or natural.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I've also enjoyed The Body Shop At Home products, and their skincare products are nice and refreshing, and won't put as much of a dent in your checking account.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I sold and failed at Arbonne business for over 3 years, spent over $5K on monthly activation requirements ($100 retail a month to get a commission check- if you go inactive then your commission check is held until you reactivate), went to NTC two times, went to all of the monthly meetings (they cost to attend), extra self help seminars (those cost as well), bought the business aids & samples, and even paid for other consultants to sign up under me (I was desperate to make the monthly challenge by my director - yep I paid their $29 sign up fee).<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Let's just say it wasn't a good fit for me and my family. I still know lots of consultants that are still spending way more than they are getting back, and they are miserable, but they won’t give up, because they keep thinking if I just invest another $5K everything will be "okay".<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Pampered Chef is defiantly the way to go, if I had know about PC about 4 years ago, my life would be so different than it is now. Allison<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> |
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I just signed up with Arbonne. My first thoughts when they talked me into having a party was... oh my gosh! this is sooo expensive! and that was the same thing the people I showed the catalog to said! I had a hard time getting people to come, too. The consultant I had the party for asked me to give her 15 names for invitations. I gave her 17 and still only 2 showed up. I had 2 outside orders and I barely had the $250 in sales that I needed in order to get my free products! However, when I saw the presentation and heard what they put in other skin care and make up products, I was convinced! It only cost me $29 to join and I got to pick out any single product in the catalog for free for joining. So, even if I didn't buy anything else or sell anything else, I got any product in the catalog for $29! What I picked was a $49 item. I feel I got my money's worth! I didn't necessarily join in order sell the products and make money. But I thought it was worth a try to get myself discounted products for a year. I don't think I would be very good at selling it. I enjoy selling Pampered Chef a lot more! I may not rejoin Arbonne after my first year is up... I hope can I continue to sell Pampered Chef forever!!! LOL That's all!!! Maria |
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I just signed someone who tried selling Arbonne. She said she paid $1000 to sign up, and even though she was on the phone constantly (which ticked off her hubby) she never saw close to the returns they were promising, and she still had to spend more money. she decided she wanted to come back to PC because she figured if she put 1/4 the amount of time and effort into a PC biz she would be really successful. (her words not mine) Misty |
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For clarification you have to spend $100 in your first month to get the "free" item. So be careful thinking you only pay $29 to get any free item in the catalog.
and with tax and shipping it is really $36.XX to process your paperwork etc. (The $29 start up fee)
If you were not told about the spend $100 in your first month by your recruiter, this shows that your recruit will say anything to get people to sign up.
So yes in real terms that is pay $36.xx to sign up and then spend $100 full retail which is $65 at your cost with the 35% off, and then pay full shipping and sales tax on the $65 and then you get any item for FREE in the catalog after the $100 full retail sales has been met.
Sorry to appear to be annoying, but I know the in's and out's of the company and the biz.
Also everything they put it part really bothers me. They just put the "best" natural ingredient that they can into the products. Like the best quality. They still put in man-made chemicals, (they just don't talk about those ingredients)
From www.pinktruth.com
Arbonne International Background Information
Arbonne International is yet another cosmetics multi-level marketing company (MLM). The company's claim to fame is that the products are "botanical".
They market themselves as "different" from the other cosmetics MLMs, particularly Mary Kay. The bottom line, however, is that Arbonne is just another product-based pyramid scheme that relies on an endless chain of recruiting.
Some of the more popular Arbonne products include:
* NutriMinC RE9 - An anti-aging skin care system, using something Arbonne calls "Nanosphere Technology" * Figure 8 weight loss products * Arbonne Baby Care (ABC) * PhytoProlief Natural Balancing Cream - A progesterone cream that claims to cure all sorts of ailments.
Arbonne claims that its products are formulated in Switzerland in the company's laboratory, Arbonne Institute of Research and Development (AIRD). (The actual existence of this laboratory is in question, and it is likely that Arbonne just uses a rent-a-lab for their stuff.)
A 2006 marketing piece put out by Arbonne has some interesting information about the payout of overrides (commissions) on pages 18 and 19. The company had about 800,000 consultants in 2005. On average, consultants made $405 per year in commissions. However, only a total of 12,798 consultants out of the 800,000 qualified for a commission.
Of course, the vast majority of the money was paid out at the highest levels. The average "consultant" made commissions of $222 per quarter, while the average "national vice president" made commissions of $94,044 per quarter.
The commissions for the NVP sound fantastic, until you realize that only 0.04% (four one-hundredths of a percent) of the sales force made it to that level. Out of 800,000 representatives, only about 320 are NVPs. Arbonne devotees love to proclaim their superiority to Mary Kay, and they cite some of these things as reasons why they're better than Mary Kay Cosmetics:
* Mary Kay is not the #1 selling brand, as they claim * Arbonne goes beyond skin care and cosmetics to include items such as vitamins and weight loss products * A 35% discount off retail is guaranteed with Arbonne, regardless of order size, while Mary Kay requires a minimum $400 retail ($200 wholesale) order in the prior three months in order to qualify for the 50% discount off retail. * "Moving up" in Arbonne does not require a certain number of recruits, just minimum production numbers. So a consultant can move up to the next level with only a couple of people, as long as they're ordering enough from the company. * You don't get your car taken away if your production fails to meet minimums. (It's possibly even worse.) Arbonne gives consultants who qualify for the car a cash allowance. They must go order their own white Mercedes, in their own names. If they fail to continue to qualify for the cash to pay for the car, they may very well ruin their credit with a car they can't pay for. * Arbonne says that the Mary Kay market is saturated, so that leaves opportunities for sales of Arbonne products.
Arbonne representatives have also been known to use scare tactics or dramatic demonstrations when trying to prove their superiority over Mary Kay Cosmetics. Some of them have included:
* Claims that Mary Kay lipstick contains lead, debunked here. * Mineral oil claims - Arbonne representatives claim that their products are free from mineral oil, while some of Mary Kay's products do contain mineral oil. The claims are sometimes supported with demonstrations like a cracker dropped in water versus one dropped into mineral oil. Despite their claims, mineral oil is not necessarily bad for one's skin, unless you're allergic to it.
One of the common sales techniques promoted by Arbonne representatives is called "the puppy dog approach." You give a potential customer a set of products (a "pup") to try for a week. After the week is over, she either pays you for them and keeps them, or she returns them to you. By getting her to try the products for a week, you are hoping she will fall in love with them (like someone might with a small puppy) and she will keep them. (Or that she just won't have the guts to tell you she's not buying them and you should come pick them up.)
This puppy dog approach has been futher refined into the "REsults Approach." Basically, a new recruit agrees to buy four of these sets (pups), which equals a couple thousand dollars worth of products. These four sets of products are used to recruit four consultants who each agree to do the same (purchase 4 sets and do the puppy dog thing with them). And that, my friends, is an endless chain of recruiting.
This also from the same website:
The Cosmetics Cop on Arbonne PDF Print E-mail Paula Begoun, who calls herself the Cosmetics Cop, reviews Arbonne and a few of the company's products.
Paula says that she receives more email about Arbonne than any other "direct sales" cosmetics line. Now I disagree with the characterization of the company as "direct sales" because it implies that the focus of the plan is retail sales of the products. Like Mary Kay, the Arbonne product is really just the "front" for the real thing they're selling - the recruiting opportunity.
She has this to say about the company's sales tactics:
"More than many other lines, Arbonne is big on playing up the alleged evil of many benign cosmetic ingredients. Topping this list is mineral oil, which the company maintains interferes with skin functions and delivery systems. Cosmetics-grade mineral oil is not a problem for skin and is in fact one of the mildest and most effective ingredients for making dry skin look and feel better. It doesn't have the best texture or finish, but its effectiveness is indisputable (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44�?6; Dermatitis, September 2004, pages 109-116)"
Paula also addresses the often repeated myth that all mascaras except Arbonne's have bat poop in them. Apparently Arbonne reps are also promoting the myth that many other companies' lipsticks contain "road kill remnants." She has heard these outlandish claims so many times that she finally addresses them. They are false.
Her take on three of the Arbonne products:
* NutriMinC RE9 REactivating Facial Serum, Day & Night ($40 for 1 ounce) - Contains fruit extracts that don't really exfloiate, and the lactic acid exfoliant isn't strong enough to be the most effective. * NutriMinC RE9 REnewing Gelée Crème Hydrating Wash ($35 for 3.15 ounces) - Very good water-soluble cleanser, but too expensive. * NutriMinC RE9 REstoring Mist Balancing Toner ($30 for 3.15 ounces) - Thumbs down because this product has lots of comfrey extract, which Paula feels is problematic.
Did you see the "average consultant" made $405 for the WHOLE year of 2005 - Well I'm being audited by the IRS because of my Arbonne business, and get this! I made.......
$147.30 for the WHOLE year of 2005
I really made $102.73 with $44.57 in overrides from my downline of 15 people
Do you want to venture on how much money I spent on the products? Anyone???
The $1738.10 includes my monthly purchase of $100 to remain active so I could get my paycheck from my down line and outside orders, and then when I would be having a party - I had to make sure I had business aids of catalogs and pens and clipboards and door prizes, and samples. Then if I wanted to do any gifts, because Arbonne encourages that you "gift" Arbonne to friends and family for Christmas, birthdays, anniversary's, teacher's at the end of the school year etc. So I would buy products for those occasions.
Argh - I'm done. LOL
I have to feed the little one.
 | | From: skemble | Sent: 5/11/2008 3:58 PM |
I also tried to sell Arbonne. Most people I had try it did not like it and I had a terrible reaction to it and I also made NO money. I would have to agree that PC is the way to go. I actually made money this past year(my 1st year) and am much happier. I also spent 1000 to get started and it was a mistake when I knew that PC is where I should have been. |
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Just a short note to clarify my earlier post. I didn't have the spend $100 to get the free product. I already got the free products. I had a party. I already got $100 in products free. I paid $29 to join and I already got a free product for joining. So, I already got my money's worth... even if I didn't buy another single thing. Really the only thing that I haven't taken advantage of yet is the 35% off for a year! I still feel that I got my money's worth because of all that I already got. I didn't join in order to start selling Arbonne and make money. I joined to get what I already got at my party. I got a $49 item from the catalog for $29! Thanks, Maria |
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