 | | From:  cajun_chelle (Original Message) | Sent: 6/16/2006 5:49 AM |
This is a new company that is just starting out! I am not even sure what it is all about yet, but you can sign up for free until Monday, June 19. I signed up only because it is free and will try out a few candles with a 25% discount. If you are interested in signing up you can click this link below. Like I said before sign up right now is free. They do give you the option to buy some start up kits if you want to but it is not required. www.marloquinn.net/index.asp?consultant=376 |
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Anyone else know anything about this company? |
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The company will be launched on July 1, 2006. TODAY is the last day to sign up for free then the site will be taken down until Monday in which they will start charging a $10 start up fee. |
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I wish it would show a sampling of the products. Do you get anything when you sign up for free? Or are you just signing up to be a consultant? The details seem really sketchy on the site, it says you can advertise online freely on family friendly websites and that you can purchase at a 25% discount adn they offer a scent of the month club. Other than that is there hostess benefits? Who pays for what? What about shipping costs? They really need some more info on there. It says no quotas and no inventories. The kits you pay for also only list products, are they giving you any paperwork with that? Hmmmm. Lots of questions. |
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That is exactly what I would like to know also! It doesn't tell very much but I did sign up, its free for now so I have nothing to lose. I don't even plan on doing parties for this at the moment just want the discount on personal orders if I like their products. |
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I did a search on Google and found this info......... |
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