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Hi all! As of December 31, 2006, I signed up to be an Independent CHARTER Consultant for VeggieTalesMoms. Click my MSN ID to see my VT_Moms website addy under the "A Little About Me" section. Once there you'll also be able to get my contact info as well. I'm so excited to be able to sell my WHOLE FAMILY's most fave kids products in the whole wide word: VEGGIE TALES!!  Not to mention how excited I am to be in on the ground floor since they just launched in September '06 & so far I'm the only one in the LA county area. Wahoo! Since they are still brand spankin' new, they are improving ALL THE TIME! We do Home Shows, Church Shows, as well as Shows for Preschools & DayCare Centers. Teaching kids Sunday Morning Values with Saturday Morning Fun,  Marian |
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PS Forgot to mention how we do eShows as well. So really holding a VTM Show is available all across the US (the mainland for now....Alaska & Hawaii are coming soon!). Thanks for your time & hope to hear from you soon!  |
 | | From:  Bev1781 | Sent: 1/2/2007 6:51 PM |
I looked at your website & was wondering
what the
Me book sample was that is included in the
Bev |
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Hi Bev, To tell you the truth, I have no idea.  Like I said, I JUST signed up on the 31st of Dec & have yet to receive my Starter Kit so I haven't had a chance to see EXACTLY what all's in there KWIM? I'll be chatting w/my sponser/recruiter tomorrow afternoon & going over everything w/her then. I'll be sure to ask her though just so I know the answer to your question as well, & I'll get back w/you then ok? Thanks for checking my VTM website out, Bev! Blessings, Marian |
 | | From:  Bev1781 | Sent: 1/2/2007 8:10 PM |
If my kids were younger I would seriously consider joining you!! My daughter will be 14 in 2 weeks & my son is a sophomore in high school so they are just a little past the stage where I could use the toys & t-shirts for them. I still love Veggie Tales!!! Bev |
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Hey VeggieTales fans! Have we gotta a NEW Show for you!!! This month we unveiled "Moe & The Big Exit", a sequel to "The Ballad of Little Joe". Where "Little Joe" was based on Joseph & his brothers in the Old Testament, "Moe" is based on Moses & the Exodus. And just like "Little Joe", "Moe" is set in a Cowboy Western theme. It's REALLLLY cute & VERY well done as always w/all VeggieTales. This month ONLY (March) you can purchase it for $2 off & it comes w/a FREE Cowboy Hat & Mask just like "Moe" wore in the movie. Check out my website using my ModMarian MSN ID to see the address. We've also just added a WHOLE bunch of new items as well as a couple of VT Spanish books & DVDs. Any further questions feel free to email me at THIS ID as well! Remember: "God made you special & He loves you very much", Marian Now also a VeggieTales Moms Charter Consultant  |
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SAD ANNOUNCEMENT: The HO of VTM decided to close its doors due to its investors withdrawing their funding only 9 months after its launch. So now as of May 31, 2007, VTM is no longer doing business. What a MAJOR bummer since I had the 8th highest in sales of the entire company back in March, had 1 consultant in my downline as well as HER one downline, PLUS I had to turn down 3 other recruit leads since the announcement of the closure. They had such an awesome policy in the advertising of our websites, & the passing on of leads to the closest most local "little guy" around was extremely helpful. They had the neatest online website HTML tools around. I wish you could have seen them. They were even better than the tool bar that we have hear to use on WLPCtoo, which made the personalization of our websites AWESOME!!! There IS some talk about coming up w/another "improved" direct sales model in the future for VT, but we'll see if that ever hatches. Oh well, I guess it's God's will to keep on w/PC instead at this time. If it were only THAT easy to build a DS biz w/PC around these parts of the country in SoCal near busy-busy-busy no-time-to-cook-@- home-suburb of LA....Marian |
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