 | | From:  MMPCHEF (Original Message) | Sent: 7/2/2008 2:26 AM |
Hi All, I think I read somewhere that if you had 6 recruits since January AND attend NC that there is a special something for you at conference. Now I can't find it anywhere. I signed my 6th recruit on the 30th of June woohoo!! AND I'm going to NC. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and where I can find it? Thanks, Marianne |
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The award is if you recruit 1 a month for 6 months you will get a reward. You must have 1 from each month to qualify for the on stage recognition, or if you recruited a total of 10 or more in the 6 months then you get recognized to. But WOW great job with 6 recruits!!!!! That really is awesome :-) Misty |
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GREAT NEWS!!!! I was wrong. Just received a new email from home office that says : We know many of you have been working hard to collect Recruiting Jean’s Dream Patrol postcards and she has cooked up some amazing surprises for National Conference. Here’s what you can look forward to when you attend:
Memorable Surprise if you received at least one recruiting postcard! Collect SIX or more postcards and your cup will be running over with excitement over our special recognition just for you. On-stage recognition and cash prizes await you at Conference when you recruit at least one new Consultant each month, January through June, or a total of ten or more new Consultants.
So CONGRATS!!! you will get something special :-) Way to GROW in 2008! Misty |
 | | From:  MMPCHEF | Sent: 7/2/2008 11:16 PM |
Thanks Misty!!! I'm so excited! I missed TPC in sales by just a couple thousand, so I'm really happy to have accomplished something "special". I'm really looking forward to Conference this year. It sounds like it's going to be just great! Thanks again, Marianne |
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I recruited 1 person who qualified. I'm not going to NC, do I get anything? Hate it when those of us who don't attend NC miss out. Elaina in NJ |
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Elaina...not sure about one postcard but a few months ago everyone who had so many postcards got a flashlight keychain. Also last year if you had so many postcards you got a pen. So you don't always have to go to conference to get prizes but I am thinking that if you start spreading the word that you are looking to grow your business then more cards will come your way! good luck |
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I know that they said that everyone who got a postcard should bring them to NC. I think it's even on the what to bring checklist. I recruited 1 and will be going to NC. Sandi |
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