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Games : Queen of the Shoppers Game
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From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970  (Original Message)Sent: 8/10/2005 9:42 PM
Queen of the Shoppers Game
Let's play a game with this gift I will part. If you were the first guest to arrive, that's where it starts.
You thought this gift was meant for you, but I have another idea or two. So hang onto the gift and think a bit, then hand it to the guest who finds our great OVEN MITT.
So it was you who found the mitt, what could be greater? Except getting the gift by finding the EASY ACCENT DECORATOR.
Hosting a party is no riddle; its quick and easy now find the SQUARE GRIDDLE.
Think about the weather a little later, right now you must find the DELUXE CHEESE GRATER.
This party is fun; I'm so glad we met, but right now you should find the DELUXE STONEWARE GIFT SET.
Flip thru the pages with no undue stress but be sure you are the one who finds our terrific GARLIC PRESS.
Please take your time but don't be late, because now you want to find our CELEBRATION PLATE.
Wasn't that fun? The plate couldn't nicer, quick be the 1st to find the APPLE PEELER, CORER, SLICER.
Now that you've seen the products what could be hipper? What about the page with our cool ICE CREAM DIPPER.
Flip through your catalog and I'll take a bet, that you can be the first to find the new CARVING SET.
Now the Queen of the shopper stands above the rest, find the___________________ (this month's guest special) and you keep the new Season's Best!
By listing the monthly guest special as the last line, it leads me right into talking about that special and the answer is always changing in case someone knows they just need to find the food chopper.

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