1.Breakfast of Champions - Wheaties
2. Out whitens other liquids - Tide
3. Plug into freshness - Glade Plug Ins
4. Builds you up, not out - Grape Nuts
5. It's mountail grown - Folgers
6. It softens your hands while you do the dishes - Palmolive Liquid
7. Sorry Charlie - Starkist Tuna
8. We work hard so you don't have to - Dow Bathroom Cleaner
9. So real you can taste it - Breyers
10. Can you handle it? - Pizza Hut
11. Visibly reduces the signs of aging on hands - Neutrogena
12. Where's your mustache? - Milk
13. For the beauty that's already there - Dove
14. How old is beautiful? - Ponds
15. Easy, Breezy, Beautiful - Cover Girl
16. Give me a break, Give me a break - Kit Kat
17. The taste you've been looking for - Dr. Pepper
18. The world's largest bookseller - Barnes N Noble
19. Are you treating your puppy like a dog? - Purina Puppy Chow
20. From A to Zinc - Centrum
Sorry guys, I wasn't sure of numbers 4, 9, 11, 14 or 18 so I cheated.