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Here are a few bridal games I found that would work great at a Bridal Shower! Feel free to add your own! Michelle |
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Wedding Rhyme Game 5 points for something old, 5 points for something new, 10 points for something borrowed, 10 points for something blue. With that ring you did wed, give yourself 5 points for sharing your bed. Count all your jewelry, necklaces, rings, and such, They are worth 1 point each, how many do you have? Let’s see how much. Now count those buttons, for each you get 3, and another 3 for showing your knee (wearing a skirt or dress). Congrats to the ladies who have wedded bliss, give yourself 5 points for this. He loves you so, he loves you not, take off 2 points if you haven’t tied the knot. Roses are red and violets are blue, if you’re wearing flowers, then you get 2. June is for brides, September is too, if you were married or engaged on either month give yourself 2. White is for brides, Red is for love, give yourself 5 points if you remember your first love. You came to this party to have a share some fun, Hope you had a good time! Grab your order form if you have one. Let's stock the bride's kitchen with lots of tools, So she can make dinner to make hubby's mouth drool! |
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Bridal Right Left Game �?pass the gift <o:p> </o:p> (Bride) LEFT her house and was on her way to the church for the wedding. <o:p></o:p> But about half way there, as she turned LEFT, she remembered that she LEFT <o:p></o:p> her wedding dress at home RIGHT by the door! She knew RIGHT away that she <o:p></o:p> had to turn around and go RIGHT back to get her dress. So she turned RIGHT, <o:p></o:p> then LEFT and LEFT again, turning RIGHT into her driveway. Sure enough, there <o:p></o:p> it was, RIGHT where she had LEFT it, RIGHT next to the door.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Finally, she was on the RIGHT track. When she arrived at the church, she realized <o:p></o:p> that she only had 1 hour LEFT before the wedding and she still had her hair and <o:p></o:p> make-up LEFT to do. So she went RIGHT to work and finished with time LEFT to <o:p></o:p> spare.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Well the wedding was beautiful-the ceremony was just RIGHT and nothing was <o:p></o:p> LEFT out. At the reception, (Groom) surprised (Bride) with a beautiful gift. She was <o:p></o:p> so happy that she teared RIGHT up!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Off on their honeymoon they LEFT! Of course, it wouldn't be RIGHT to say where <o:p></o:p> they went.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> So, now there's nothing LEFT to say except enjoy the evening! |
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This one would be fun to do with passing around a gift instead of a poem or a SB cookbook. Another passing game 1. The news is out, quick send a cable .This poem goes to the lady across the table. 2.If someone wears a dress or blouse of blue, she must take this note from you. But if blue cannot be seen surely pink is just as keen. 3.Take this not and read the verse, pass it to the gal who carries the largest purse.If it is you keep the note. If not, then pass to the largest tote. 4. We're getting tricking, here's a real humdinger! Pass this note to the Gal with the most rings on her fingers. 5. You're doing great! what a success! pass this note to the girl with the most bottons on her dress. 6. Alas, the gift is not for you, but now it passes to the lady who, with rage, admits to being the oldest age! 7.Don't despair here's the next clue...this must be handed to the lady with the largest shoe. 8.(Say Brides Name) Is Anxious... (Grooms name) is nervous , pass this to the lady who drove the furthest. 9. The wedding date is getting closer, the bride and groom will have a ball, pass this to the lady who is most tall. 10. We hope you're all having fun. We tried to include most everyone. From the largest purse, to the largest shoe, pass this now to the gal right of you. 11. The shower is almost over and the punch is nearly gone. Pass this to the lady with the smallest earrings on. 12. There won't be time to practice there wont be time to rehearse pass this to the lady with the most money in her purse. 13. Roses are Red, Violets are blue, pass this to the lady to the left of you. 14. We're ending this rhyme, this is the last poem the centerpiece on the table is yours to take home! |
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Potato Head You need one potato per guest and scraps of material and pins. Guests pair up to create the most creative Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. You'll need two prizes for this one - one for the "Mr." and one for the "Mrs." |
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Here are some I just came across via the web: Fun Ideas and Games for Bridal Showers How well do you know the bride? Give each guest paper and pen. Read questions to the guests such as how old is the bride, her favorite food, her shoe size, favorite movie, names of fiancés parents, favorite color, etc. The guest that answers the most questions correctly wins a prize. You will be surprised what people do or do not know. | How well does the bride know her fiancé? Ask the fiancé several questions before the shower. What is his favorite color, favorite movie, favorite restaurant, best memory with fiancée, favorite musician, high school best friend, most embarrassing moment, location of first kiss, etc. Ask the bride the same questions. For every question she gets wrong, she has to put a piece of bubble gum in her mouth. This game gets hilarious. | Words of wisdom. When the bride opens a gift, the person giving the gift has to offer the bride some words of wisdom on ways to have a long and happy marriage. As she opens the gifts write down who gave what and the advice they shared. Scrambled words. Scramble some words relating to the wedding, for example: church, flowers, wedding ring, the couples wedding month and last name. Set a timer for the amount of time the guests have to unscramble the words. The guest with the most unscrambled correctly wins a prize. | The spice game. Have 10 �?15 bottles of herbs or spices with the labels covered. Number each spice. Give the guests pen and paper and have them guess at what the spices are. The guest with the most correct answers wins a prize. | Box of recipes. When mailing out the invitations include a recipe card with the invitation. Give instructions to each guest to write down their favorite recipe and bring the card to the shower. At the shower gather all the cards, put them in a recipe box and give it to the bride. | Toilet paper wedding dress. Divide the guests into groups of three. Each team is given 4 rolls of toilet paper and 20 minutes to design a wedding dress. Each team chooses a "bride" and then proceeds to wrap the bride in the dress. Each team then shows off their bride in front of the other guests. The dresses are voted on to determine the best bridal gown. A gift is then given to the chosen bride and her designers. This game really gets the party going and results in some hilarious pictures. Guests get very creative and have a great time. | The reaction game. This game coincides with opening the gifts. One of the bridesmaids writes down the bride's verbal reaction to her gifts. After all the gifts are opened the bridesmaid announces that these are some of the things that will be said on the brides wedding night. This gets hilarious! Example: " Oh, I've always wanted one of these", " This is wonderful", "I know just where I'm going to put this." | The pencil in the bottle game. For this game you will need ribbon, a pencil and a soda bottle. Tie the ribbon around the guest's waist with the other end of the ribbon tied to the pencil and hanging between their legs. The tip of the pencil should be about even with the knees or above. The object of the game is to get the pencil all the way into the bottle in the shortest amount of time. This game is more difficult than it sounds and it's hilarious to watch the women lifting their skirts and rotating their hips while trying. | |
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