 | | From:  PCBombChelle (Original Message) | Sent: 10/7/2005 6:23 PM |
Last year I remember talking about different slogans to use with different candies for goodie bags. Anyone remember what I'm talking about? It may have just been a thread, it may have been a document...I can't remember. It had things like: Smarties: Be a SMARTIE, book a party.... Mounds: Earn MOUNDS of free kitchen tools....call me today! .......... Any other ideas? Michelle |
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PAYDAY: Join PC and have another day of pay (sorry, not real creative right now) $100 GRAND: something similar to say |
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Lifesavers: PC has been a real "Lifesaver" for me, it could be for you, too. |
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So tell me what you guys do with these slogans? Michelle |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 10/14/2005 4:10 PM |
I use the small 80 to a sheet labels (I am at work and don't remember the number) I put little design on the edge and the words "BE A SMARTIE-BOOK A PARTY" on the label and stick them on Smarties. They fit very nicely. I also make labels for spices: "SPICES LOW? BOOK A SHOW." Along with my website address and give them to hosts and ask to put on spices when they get the orders. How about: Need a little extra on PAYDAY? BOOK NOW, GET FREE STUFF LATER! Want a WHOPPER of a pay check? |
 | | From:  SMKC | Sent: 10/14/2005 11:45 PM |
Look Bar - Look at what PC has to offer Amazing Bar- Look at how Amazing our Company is. Or how Amazing our Host benifits are. |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 8 of 16 in Discussion |
Before we lose this on again....putting it here! To all the MUMMIES: Looking for a WHOPPER of a good time this Holiday Season? Interested in a Pampered Chef Shopping SPREE? Why not host your own Holiday Kitchen Show & earn lots of FREE, HALF-PRICE & DISCOUNTED Kitchen Tools? After a great night of food, friends and fun, your guests will surely leave SMILING! So, be a SMARTIE and book your Pampered Chef Party today! Hope to hear from you soon! Happy Halloween!
P.S. The "gHostess with the mostest" in November will receive her choice of _________________________ or __________________________!
You book it and I'll cook it!
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I really like that. Thank you. Margie |
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Is there anywhere on here we can put this so it doesn't get lost and we can still find it say 6 months from now? |
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I put this in the Hot Topics so it won't get lost! Michelle |
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Here are a couple more: No need to CRUCH the numbers... It's FREE when you host a show! Hosting a show is so much fun, full of laughs and SNICKERS for everyone! Michelle |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
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This one's just so cool I thought I'd give this the ole bUmP uP! Oh! And feel free to add anymore of your "sweet ideas" onto this thread as well! |
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I got this idea from a director in my cluster. I attached a Take 5 candy bar to recruiting info with a note. Take 5 (minutes) and enjoy reading about the Pampered Chef opportunity. It worked, she signed last week! Never under estimate the power of Chocolate. |
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