With all the SPAM issues and Virus concerns going on right now, The ModSquad wanted to remind all of our members of a few issues to help preserve the security of our emails and our board.
Just a little reminder that ANYONE can read the board, but only members have access to documents, posting, and Personal Profiles.
That being said here are some things to consider and PLEASE sign this thread showing that you have read and agree....
If you want someone to email you off board, make sure you have your address in your profile!!! PLEASE refrain from posting your email address in your replies for 2 big reasons....
1. SPAMMERS!!! Lately there have been more and more spammers TRYING to join the board. So that means there are more and more spammers LOOKING at the board and most likely the messages. Lucky for all of you, we have such a FABULOUS management team...hehehe...and we are super strict on who joins and who does not.
2. I had a 2...I can't remember it now...but I DID have a 2!!!! lol!! OH! I remember now!! There have been quite a few possible viruses going around lately. They sneaky devils get an addy from the board and hack into your Address book and spam and try to spread their viruses to others. These nasty emails are coming in the form of postmaster @ familiar addresses....delivery failure. A lot of what has been ending up in my junk mail are email addy endings of members of this board. Probably mostly because I'm a manager and send out so many application reminders to include your consultant number....
We set up another board where we can list the addy's safely that you can feel free to add your address. Again...2 big reasons why not to put your PWS addy in a reply...
1. It is against company policy to allow us to advertise online by using our PWS. This includes listing in search directories and online groups. Check your RFS for specifics.
2. Because it is against PC's rules, if someone from HO were to stop by and see a PWS addy in a reply, WE COULD BE SHUT DOWN!!! For those of you who were around for the first WLPC fiasco, this is NOT something we can afford to happen again! We don't want to take any unnecessary chances.
1. Again...no Email addys please.
2. No PWS addy's
3. No consultant numbers. WHY? Because of those spammers! They can snatch a CN from a message and use it to join our group. We just don't want those slimy little guys infecting us with their junk or gaining access to any other info.
The signature lines come mostly from those who post via their email addys instead of directly online. It hasn't been much of a problem, but it was brought to our attention and needed to be addressed.
Now, all that being said, for the safety of our members and of our board…PLEASE SIGN this thread as a show of goodwill that we will do our absolute very best to keep these things off the board�?

The ModSquad
Taking off my moderator hat now! Whew!