 | | From:  PCBombChelle (Original Message) | Sent: 1/12/2006 5:31 PM |
I know I heard on here once about some of you doing a payment plan for your new recruits who really want to join but can't afford the kit yet. Anyone care to share their ideas on this? Thanks! Michelle |
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I don't think it's so much stating on the flyer that they have a year, it's that you don't want to make them think if they don't qualify in the first three months that they can't do the biz. I didn't qualify until my 4th month. If I had been told I only had 3 months qualify I would have given up. Especially after my first month didn't go off as well as I'd hoped. Sure for a lot of consultants it is no problem to qualify that fast! And it is a lot easier to qualify quickly now than it was when I joined. But still, I'm one of those people that you just don't push or I may crack or throw in the towel. I'm also the kind of person that when I don't meet a goal, I feel I've failed. Not everyone is completely motivated by the SS bonuses either. Really I already had everything except what was brand new and the US&G! So I had no motivation to make those bonuses except the US&G one. Sure I wanted to succeed, but not for the bonuses. Make any sense? Yes we want them to qualify right away for them and for ourselves, but they do need to know that they do have plenty of time to go at their own pace. Just my 2 cents...4 cents...5 bucks! Michelle |
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so if I don't quilify by the end of Feb (my ssm3) I'm not out of the game?????? I've closed 2 shows, had to cancle 1 that I was suppose to do this weekend and change the other to a Catalog b/c of a death in the family, then I have 1 for Feb and Spring/summer open house in March.... but I'm also due with DS#3 end of Feb, but thinking he may come anyday now (part of why one show was changed to a catalog show) I keep gettting leads for this summer... no one wants to book thinking I'm going to pop just before their show so it's good to know I have a little more time...... |
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See, I'm the total opposite of Michelle. If I had known I had a year, I would have taken a year! LOL.... My director (who is a senior director and in the biz over 10 years) told me I had to qualify in my first SSM, which was a June. Well, I was on vacation the first 2 weeks, and ended up squeezing in 6 shows in 10 days!! Then I found out (or so I thought) that I had 3 months! Oh, well...at least I got it over. Seems like if they give you an entire year, you'd have to either go inactive or for sure qualify way before that since it is now $1250 in sales OR 4 shows. That's nice that they give you the time. Julie |
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FYI - I had my first recruiting interview this eve and she said she wanted to sign but didn't have the money right then but would have it soon sooo.... I said " Well I am offering this program where you write me 3 $30 checks. If you qualify in your first SSM1 then I will only cash #1. If SSM2 then #2 and SSM3 then all three. You are so excited and already have people lined up that I know you are going to qualify in SSM1 so your kit will only cost you $30"
I walked out of there with 3 - $30 checks!!!! I cash the first one on Friday.... |
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I like this idea! I took what Julie started and ran with it a little bit. Feel free to make your own changes of course! But here is what I made. I wanted to keep it to one page. I've also put it in the documents folder. Sandi |
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Sorry...I forgot to attach it!!  Here it is Sandi |
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I couldn't open it at first so for those of you who can't here are the steps... save to desktop, open word, then open the file through word. |
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did that.....didn't work. just a page full of "stuff".... |
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You may have an older version that can't convert it...here's my save of it... |
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thank you so much !!! Wonderful ! |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 2/10/2006 2:59 AM |
I added some cute clip art to this recruit document. I did it in PowerPoint. So much easier to add text and clips! See what you think. Feel free to revise |
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would love to see it but i don't have ppt !!! can someone convert it to word ??? can that be done ? |
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Here it is without Melanie's personal info... |
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