 | (3 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 16 in Discussion |
| From:  jlm1970 (Original Message) | Sent: 1/31/2006 2:30 PM |
I thought it would be neat to put together a booking packet for all of us who are struggling for bookings or just need a refresher course!!!!!! So, what does eveyone do to get bookings? Is there a specific thing that helps you out? - Flyer, cold calls Big Mac Calls, tips at shows. WHAT'S YOU SECRET?????? CARE TO SHARE????? |
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Well I am one that needs bookings !! I am at that "do I throw in the towel or not" stage !!! Can't wait to get some good advice here ! |
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At a KILLER cluster meeting we had recently, some advice for bookings. I forget which NSED does this (sorry I can't give proper credit), but: Make sure you total up orders in a separate, private area. Tell all the guests during your show that you will take them one at a time, for privacy. Then when you are totalling a guest up, ask 4 questions: Wasn't the recipe delicious? Would you like a free recipe card? Did you have fun tonight? How about we get your friends together for a show? People get on the roll of saying yes to the first 3 questions and the fourth is almost automatic. It has helped me quite a bit, but you NEED to make sure there aren't a ton of guests around distracting you and the guest you are trying to check out! HTH! Leisa |
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Something that has been working well for me is to ask every person at a show about booking their own show. Often, the response is "now just isn't the best time". I tell them that as long as they hold a show within 6 months, it still helps out their friend (current host). I ask if they see being able to do a show within 6 months. Most of them say "probably, yeah". So I put in a mock date 3 or 4 months out, with a reminder to me to call them and set a real show date. A few end up not holding shows, but most do hold at least a catalog show. They feel like they've made a commitment, but you're not pushing them to set a date when they feel too busy. HTH, Teresa G. |
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Just an idea... I started doing this at a show I had about 3 weeks ago. I took stuff that I had earned for free, that I had bought as a host special, or even a bunch of little door prize items (pretty much anything I had in my PC Closet), and made four bags to take to my shows. (The bags retail value were between $10 - 25 each). At the show I announced that anyone who decided that they wanted to host their own show could write their name on their mystery bag and at THEIR show they could open it up. First show I did this I got 2 bookings, 2nd one I got 5 bookings, 3rd one was a nightmare show that I'M GLAD I GOT NO BOOKING!! and the 4th one this month I got 1 booking. For me to get a total of 8 bookings in one month, I was pretty excited. I don't know if it was the bags or just because I'm so darn cute!!  But, I'm leaning towards the bags!! HTH, Kim |
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I've been using these prize slips (attached) and I've gotten soooo many more bookings. I always have them fill it out completely and bring it with them when they check out.
(The question marks are boxes on the form) ---------------------------- I am interested in:
Hosting a Fun Kitchen Show & earning FREE products, 1/2 priced items, with food, fun & friends.
Not on your life (I say: so you didn't want to do a show now? How about anytime within the next 6 months because Judy host will only get the benefit if we put in on the calendar within the next 6 months and I'd love to do a party for you...it is put on the calendar with pencil so we can always change it if the need arises...still no? How about passing a book around and getting orders that way? If we did that in March you could get the stainless bowls or easy read measuring cups for 60% off in addition all of the other stuff you will receive free. I have each month memorized so I can rattle them off until I get "that look" or feeling). My arm could be twisted (I ask them what month their arm could be twisted for)
Show me the Calendar!
Not inviting anyone over, but hosting a Catalog Show instead, to earn Free product by collecting orders.
I can’t be bothered
That’s easy! Let’s do it!
Info on getting All I want for Free, Having Fun, & Earning Money too, as a Kitchen/Catalog Consultant!
Not Yet
I might consider it
Where do I Sign! I would also like information on:
Pampered Bride Gift Certificates
Gift Registry Fundraisers
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Best piece of advice that I can give is to book at the show and BE CONFIDENT! You have to get over the "personal rejection" phobia. Once I started doing that, my bookings have skyrocketed and for the most part, they hold. If they say they can't or don't want to do one right away, I tell them that the hostess will get credit if they book within 6 months and say, let's just schedule you tentatively and then when that dates gets close, I'll touch base and we can reschedule it if we need to. 9 times out of 10, they will book. If they don't book, I think to myself "Their loss!" When I got back from conference last year and I saw what I needed to do to achieve Level 2, I got to moving. I was bound and determined to earn it. I am doing $5000 in sales a month consistently now (even Dec and Jan) and have 13 cooking shows and at least 3 catalog shows scheduled for February. JUST ASK!!! has become by motto! Now if I could be just as confident about recruiting! That is my weak spot! |
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bump......here is the post with the 4 questions ! |
 | | From:  BBHall | Sent: 2/7/2006 1:15 AM |
At my last show I made sure everyone knew I would do individual checkouts one at a time. Before giving them their receipt, I said I had some questions for them to answer real quick so they can get back to eating, mingling, and having fun. I do the 3-pile system aka Achor Technique(but I use a folder). Page one: Show the Imagine Booklet and Apron Sale Flyer and say,"Oh my gosh, you are so fun, have you ever thought of doing what I do? Would you be interested in taking home some info to read? I'd love to have you on my Team!" Page two: Show the Host a Cooking Show, You Invite The Rest, I'll invite the Rest Flyer and ask, "Are you interested in having your own Show and earning Free Product? I make it so easy with the you-buy-I'll-fly offer (they pay me to buy ingredients and label & mail invites). I can up to 6 months in advance for the Host to get the Benefit at your Show. (if they say they have to look at their calendar) The date doesn't have to be written in stone, but we do need to have a tentative date on the books. We are all very busy people and we will end up playing phone tag so in all honesty, if you really want a show, a tentative date is the best way to go for now." Page three: Show Pass a Catalog "I understand you don't have time, don't forget I also do Catalog Shows, does that sound better for you?" Page four: Recipe "Can I offer you tonights recipe?" So at least I've ended on a positive note and we all breathe a sigh of releif (and sometimes I'll pretend to wipe sweat off my forehead and say whew, you had me worried there, which usually gets a laugh). Then I give them their receipt. Also, the words-to-say you will have to change depending on the situation. By doing the Achor Technique at my last 2 Shows I got 5 bookings from the 1st one and the 2nd Show only produced 2 bookings but not bad for only have 5 Guests.They loved the idea of my Host getting to come to all the shows and take advantage of the Host Special just like the do (which I promote during the Show using different Guests as an example). Best of luck everyone. -Becky NEOhio ps I also handed out 3 Recruiting packs which consist of a Imagine Brochure, Executive Pan Flyer, Apron Sale and a Take-5 candy bar (since I asked them to take 5 minutes to look it over) inside one of our clear Pampered Chef bags. |
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Becky, Could you post (or email me) the flyers that you use during checkout....I am very interested ! |
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What is the "Apron Sale" flyer?? |
 | | From:  BBHall | Sent: 2/7/2006 11:13 PM |
I use Print Shop 12 to create my Flyers (which most people don't have) so I put them in our Pictures section under Becky's Anchor Technique. I HTH. Let me know if you need me to Email you directly. NEOhio |
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Thanks, Becky, for all the tips & such!!  Just curious, Marian |
 | | From:  BBHall | Sent: 2/10/2006 1:29 PM |
Probably the same. At the bottom of my flyer it says, "Which Apron would you like to try on." -Bec |
 | | From:  BBHall | Sent: 2/10/2006 1:32 PM |
KimZ is so right. I DON'T want to call anyone after the Show to get a Booking. Get BATS! Bookings At The Show! I've even offered Hosts a piece of stoneware for having 2 Bookings before her/his Show. -Becky NEOhio |
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I've too find a quiet spot and check-out each person individually but I have been asking "Which month do you want to get your free products in?" People have a hard time saying no to free. |
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