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General : Mardi Gras Theme on Ash Wed. inappropriate?
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChefShelby1  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2006 6:30 PM
Do you think people will find this offensive?
My host had to ask me what Ash Wednesday was, so I know it's not an issue with her, and she wants a March show so going back to Tuesday which is actually Mardi Gras day won't work. 
I was just looking for a fun theme, so if everyone thinks I shouldn't do it, that's fine I'll suggest something else.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 2/1/2006 4:20 AM
I'm Catholic and I wouldn't find it offensive.  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of meat....Mardi Gras is the day BEFORE Lent when people got rid of all their meat!  I found it was helpful at my Mardi Gras party this last weekend to explain what Mardi Gras was/is.  That way they didn't think of it as a party hardy day only.  I also explained that in Lousianna they actually celebrate Mardi Gras as a holiday and they start celebrating a month early...thanks cajunchelle!  They thought that was all neat info and they were ALL Catholic!!!
I'd say to just be safe for your Catholic and protestant guests who observe the no meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays, don't serve anything with is good.  New Orleans Crab Spread would be perfect! 
Ash Wednesday is a more solomn day in the church, but I think you should still be alright doing this theme.  Just keep it fishy!
I'd say if there are guests who are not wanting to celebrate on Ash Wednesday because of their religious beliefs, they are most likely not going to come to ANY type of party anyway.  I don't think it would be offensive. 
Anyone else with a different view? 

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKimiChefSent: 2/1/2006 4:33 AM
Okay...I disagree. I am 'religious' and I love a good party. 
Since you can't move this show date (keeping in mind attendance may be down if people are at church) -
I'd say recognize that it is Ash Wednesday  & pay the proper respect for any Christians in the group (You'd hate to lose a booking) and just tell them you realize that it is the beginnning of Lent. ran out of Tuesdays in February for the show.  This will give you a killer chance to talk about theme shows.  You can tell them about your NEW  "Fishy Fat Tuesday on a Wednesday"  theme show.  
Most Christians don't observe the traditions that Catholics do during Lent (i.e. fasting) just give the day it's props and you'll be good to go.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemerf66Sent: 2/1/2006 5:15 AM
As a Catholic, I would find it pretty hard to fast on Ash Wednesday at a PC show! LOL  Check with your host--no Catholics--no problems--use ideas listed.  If you have a lot of Catholics, you may want to change the date, or some won't show to avoid temptation and rest may not eat.  The rule for fasting is two very small meals that cannot add up to the third regular meal with no meat all day and no snacking between meals.  Some go further and do a total fast, but this is the minimum requirement unless you have health issues.  Didn't know you could learn about Catholicism from a PC loop did ya!  LOL

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