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Someone help!!! I have never eaten or purchased or cut a mango... I've got a recipe that I'm doing at a show tomorrow and don't want to look like a nimcompoop!
It's from the It's Good For You cookbook... Tropical Turkey and Spinach Salad...
HELP!!!! |
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The other thing I'm wanting to know... can I precut one mango (we're doubling the salad)? Or is this like a bananna where I only want to cut it just before serving? |
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Don't know much about Mangoes..maybe someone else will jump in here with advice!  Janet |
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well from someone who likes to keep it simple..... Not sure if this is available where you are, but we can go refrigerated section in our supermarket and you can find already peeled, cut mango in a glass jar. This makes things so simple, just drain off the juice and you are ready to go, but if you need it to show your tools then unfortuneately you will have to do it the hard way....LOL Hope this helps you, Flora |
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Mangoes are one of my favorite fruits, so I deal with them a lot. They are very easy to cut up. If you use the vegetable peeler it will go a lot faster than peeling with a knife. Then just slice as close as possible to the pit, it won't be purfect. You can also precut it if you wish. It seems a lot harder than it is, but once you get going it shouldn't be that difficult. |
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pcgirl- can I precut one before the show and then cut the 2nd one in the demo... will the 1st go "bad" |
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I love a wripe mango when I can find one. If they are squish don't buy them. I loook for one that is still firm but will give if i push on it with my thumb also look for one that smells sweet. You can peel them with the vegi pealer then slice the two sides off as the seed is flat and about 1/2 and inch wide in the middle running almost the whole length of the fruit. I cut each side off and scrape the extra fruit off with my teeth when I'm eating it myself. The closer you get to the seed the more fiberous the fruit will be, this isn't bad it's just a different texture. You can then slice and dice each half if you want. I would do it at demo time as Mango does brown if left out in the open air. Sticking it in the chillzane bowl and covering with a little plastic wrap placed directly on the fruit should keep it for a while. It doesn't go bad when it turns brown from oxidation but it's certinly prettier fresh. Buy one for yourslef just to practice with and see if you like it. HTH Jenny |
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The cook's tips in the cookbook regarding cutting the mango really works! I tried it for the first time at a show, and amazed myself as well as the guests!  Julie |
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They don't discolor like bananas, but I wouldn't cut them too far in advance.
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I've found that there is no nice way to cut up a mango. The seed doesn't come out looking like a seed. It looks like a seed covered in mango. You can't get all the mango off a seed like you can a peach. So you'll feel like you aren't cutting it close enough, but you are. Pretty much, like was said earlier, peel and just start slicing as close as you can to the seed. Love mangos! But they are a messy fruit to cut up! Slippery little things! Michelle |
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Just bringing this reply under the original thread: Reply
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Just saved BOTH of these Mango threads over on the HOT TOPICS page! |
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well i did my best. shed never bought a mango either lol. so when i grabbed onto it i was very upfront with everyone and told them i had never done this before lol. actually she got a green mango but i used the veg. peeler and then cut most of the fruit off and chopped it up. it worked just fine  ! |