 | | From:  Chef_Darcy (Original Message) | Sent: 2/2/2006 5:26 PM |
So, I'm home today without the kids and decided to make the Profiterole Puffs from the new SB and the new show recipes. Can I just say YUMMY!!! They were very easy to make (not sure why they are under the advanced recipes) and extremely tasty! I even used the heavy cream and my double balloon whisk to make the filling. Definitely a work out for your arm, but I wanted to give it a try. I had to stop a few times, but it did whip up quickly (I'd say about 5 minutes). Not sure if I'd do it at a show for a demo, maybe just the filling into the puffs with the EAD and top with the melted frosting. They take 25 minutes to bake and then cool off is about another 10 or so before you can fill them. BUT....try them, they are great! I want to make a bunch to keep in my freezer to have on hand all the time! I put this batch into the freezer so I wouldn't eat them all while I'm home.  |
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I just now finished my puffs and they look and taste great. This is the worst profession to try to lose weight with.  Maleah |
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I just uploaded a picture of how they turned out. Very pretty. Maleah |
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Maleah, Your pics look SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Thanks for sharing them!! Marian |
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OMG, I made them tonight for the first time. I have a show on Tuesday and wanted to try them out on the guinea pigs here first. Soooooooooo easy and my husband, who doesn't eat sweets, ate 11 of them during the game tonight. They are so impressive, while I was eating one, I could hardly believe that I had made them. Had to share, Michelle |
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I wanted to tell you all somethings that I have learned from making these. Please learn from my mistakes. Even with the mistakes everyone thought they tasted good. I tryed making them with paper cups, it makes the puffs too bready. Also, don't under cook them, unless you like the bready taste. Warn the people who eat them that the filling will squirt out. Use regular frosting, I used the softer whipped frosting the 2nd time and the chocolate melted and made puddles on my chillzane. The regular cheap frosting got hard and stayed hard on the puffs. I also used dipping chocolate and melted it and put it in a plastic bag and cut a small hole in the bag. Then you can drizzle the chocolate the way that you like it on the puffs. I made these and took them to church and gave them away. These also would be a great product to pamper a business with. They are so elegant. Good luck to everyone making these. |
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I have a meeting tonight and after reading this post I am going to try making these. I know nobody else is so I will make the puffs here and take the ingredients a little early to finish them off there. |
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More tips: The first batch I made, I followed the directions and melted the frosting to drizzle and did that before freezing them. I froze in a TW container and some of the chocolate got on the top since they were a bit tall. 2nd batch: I froze BEFORE putting chocolate on them. I drizzled the chocolate while they were frozen before I brought them to work. DON'T DO IT THIS WAY! The chocolate disappeared and there was essence of chocolate on the puffs. I have another batch in the freezer without chocolate, I'm going to thaw those before I drizzle the chocolate. I used the regular frosting and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds in the prep bowl. Cooled slightly and put into ziplock bag, cut the corner off and drizzled. Didn't flake off when cooled and tasted great. Next, I'll experiment with different fillings, maybe chocolate pudding.... |
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Yum, the chocolate mouse filling would be good in these. |
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Made these for my meeting last night and showed up and another girl's mom had made them for her to take. She did the filling like it says on the recipe and it was horrible. It was runny and sticky and impossible to eat. It made a huge mess. I didn't make the filling like it says on the recipe because I thought I had the ingredients and it turned out that I didn't. I did, however, have cheesecake flavored pudding. Mix it up using half the milk called for on the package (for the cheesecake only, don't know why it didn't get thick like the other) thin it out some if needed. I also used sugar free chocolate pudding in some of them. Total I used 3 different packages of pudding. It was all VERY good. Didn't do the choc on top but did do caramel ice cream topping on some. Makes people have to use their forks. This is a good thing because as someone mentioned earlier: when you bite into them the filling squirts. Here is an idea: Make the puffs. After they have cooled cut the top half off part way. Fill using tuna salad, chicken salad, ice cream, chinese coleslaw, crab salad, etc. with the small scoop and replace the top. You could even do a puff show making the puffs ahead of time, filling most of them just before the show. Do a demo with tools on cutting onions, celery etc. whatever is in your filling and fill the last few at the show. Have some as appetizers, some as brunch/lunch items, and dessert items. Micah |
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I did the filling that was on the recipe with cool whip and it was great. Maybe her cool whip was old or something. You have to put the whole puff in your mouth at one time and then it won't squirt out all over you. I love them!
Monica |
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I also made a chocolate filling. It tasted good. I took the cool whip and added the pudding powder. I was trying to find a way to make these sugar free for my father. Would it taste better if I added the milk and made the pudding normal. And then add the pudding to the puff? Just looking for ideas. I am going to make these for my class tomorrow. Also, I found that if you want to transport these without them falling around everywhere, you can use the egg sections on the chillzane. Thanks for all of the ideas. |
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My husband actually preferred them frozen. They were less messy and almost like a little ice cream treat. |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 2/12/2006 11:07 PM |
Tasty and only 2 Weight watchers points! I made them today.  Didn't spray my Muffin tin well enough and some were hard to get out of the pan. I was amazed at how well they turned out ESPECIALLY since I turned OFF my oven sometime after pre-heating and they sat in a cooling oven (DON'T have a clue WHY) then twenty two minutes later turned it BACK on and actually baked them! I also made the homemade whipped cream - Forget free weights for that middle aged "wing span" issue just whip cream everyday! (the one I ate had cool whip not the real thing- I think the real thing would increase the points a bit!) I melted 2 oz of bittersweet chocolate and a small dab of Crisco made a great drizzle. I put mine in the freezer to take to my cluster meeting tomorrow, (And so I didn't end up counting 48 weight watcher's points!!) Commenting on using frozen Whipped topping.. don't every use the light or fat-free in recipes it does separate and will not hold up. |
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